Malice <-------->Trooper


Oct 14, 2003
The Trooper said that he has never heard Malice so I thought it was a good time to upload a couple of tracks to my page for anyone who wants to check them out. Also put a couple Wild Dogs tracks along with a song from the new Exodus album.

Link is in my sig.
Malice ... haven´t listened to that album since at least 10 years, but I know I loved it at that time. Now I know what I´ll do tonight. "In the beginning ..." I think is the title of the album. Thanks for the idea Greeno. Somewhere else I read about Siren yesterady (anybody remember "no place like home" ?). This is the reason I like this board from time to time, you guys remind me of great old albums I completely forgot about. While writing this I remember another one .... "Paganini" - "Weapon of love" or something like that. I have a record-listening-job for tonight, and I´ll have a nice single malt to it :))).
This may be testing my memory but didn't they have a song called "We'll Be Rockin'" or somehthing like that? Just because I'm fucking sick in the head, I'll try to even post some of the lyrics even though I haven't heard this in probably 10 years...

Seems like such a long time ago
When we started out in rock and roll
We were young, headstrong
Yet we knew right were we belonged...

Something like that.
The Trooper said:
Dude.. Malice rock!!! They sound alot like Lizzy Borden I reckon, especially the vocalist!


Glad you liked it, they were a great forgotten band. Did you try the Wild Dogs songs? Going by some of your posts here I'm thinking you may like them also.

PSYCHONAUT - Man, you've got a better memory than me, could never pull out some old lyrics like that... I'm really bad with lyrics! That song you're singing is off of the first Malice album.... "In The Beginning"