mamma, mamma!!! Janne is online :-P

Hello guys. I have had this weird headache all week so I am curing it at home with some Jack&Coke. You know anything I could have taken in Summerbreeze to giva a whole week headache???
lol jeah am....

...tequila, ouzo.. ? ?? ... well "welcome to germany" :D

god damn..... this picture!! it's horrible :OMG:

Searge said:
hey janne, this is germany

me and my *pieep* (for zarok ;) ) friends (and the red jägermeister-cap...) :D

Fuck yeah! Thank you so fuckin much for fuckin censoring that fuckin fuck!
potheads! but why do you have such short hair!

hey freya, if life's bothering you go listen to manson and cut your arms like everyone else