Man accused of having sex with dead deer (Wtf?)

Captain Beard

No longer active
Sep 6, 2001
Duluth News Tribune
Nov. 15, 2006 03:13 PM DULUTH, Minn. - Prosecution of a case involving alleged sexual contact with a dead deer may hinge on the legal definition of the word "animal."

Bryan James Hathaway, 20, of Superior, Wis., faces a misdemeanor charge of sexual gratification with an animal. He is accused of having sex with a dead deer he saw beside a road on Oct. 11.

A motion filed last week by his attorney, public defender Fredric Anderson, argued that since the deer was dead, it was not considered an animal and the charge should be dismissed.
"The statute does not prohibit one from having sex with a carcass," Anderson wrote.
What I'm amazed at, and what really gets me is not the fact that the guy fucked the dead dear. or even the fact that he isn't denying it.
It is the fact that some lawyer out there said " sure, I'll take your've got a shot "

Not only did the guy fuck the deer, realize he was probably driving 60+ MPH, saw a corpse on the side of the road, stopped instantly, pulled over, got ready and just started doing his business.
Although it would have been funnier if it was during rush hour traffic. All the people looking, parents covering their kids' eyes etc.:lol: :lol:
Not only did the guy fuck the deer, realize he was probably driving 60+ MPH, saw a corpse on the side of the road, stopped instantly, pulled over, got ready and just started doing his business.
Although it would have been funnier if it was during rush hour traffic. All the people looking, parents covering their kids' eyes etc.:lol: :lol:

And apparently did it right in front of people, because someone MUST have seen him fucking the deer in order to call the cops.

If I pulled over and fucked everything that I saw that interested me, there would be a lot of ladies in trouble. :loco:
And apparently did it right in front of people, because someone MUST have seen him fucking the deer in order to call the cops.

If I pulled over and fucked everything that I saw that interested me, there would be a lot of ladies in trouble. :loco:

If it was at night and a cop had the flashlight on him, I wonder if he had that same look like that deer had in the headlights. That would be awesome irony.
Another thing you gotta wonder is how did the guy know it was a female? OR WAS IT? EEEEEWWWWWW!!!!! But then again, he's fucking a dead animal. That's the key here.

I guess it doesn't really matter what sex it is if you're so desperate that you resort to fucking a dead animal...I think gay anal sex would be a better alternative in this case.