Man, I need PP

Shit dude.Been hell of stressed at work too!! I am with you big time. So much so I have to go to Vegas this weekend to see Tesla to calm down for my PPUSA trip :kickass::headbang::saint:

Yippee38 said:
I need a break where I can relax with friends.

Then shame on you for not coming out to Chicago Metal Anthem! :) It might have held you over for a few more weeks...

See ya soon. Odd that I have to go all the way to Atlanta to talk to you and Miss Yardley again!

Yep, yep, yep. I had a lot of stress this week at work. I'm acting as manager, we get word that our entire unit -- 18 employees -- has to move across the building and it's gotta be done soon, 4 hours to pack and unpack.....I need a break. Dragon*Con this weekend and ProgPower in three weekends, w00t! :headbang:
Bear said:
Shit dude.Been hell of stressed at work too!! I am with you big time. So much so I have to go to Vegas this weekend to see Tesla to calm down for my PPUSA trip :kickass::headbang::saint:


Lucky!!!!!!!!!! :headbang:
Bear said:
Shit dude.Been hell of stressed at work too!! I am with you big time. So much so I have to go to Vegas this weekend to see Tesla to calm down for my PPUSA trip :kickass::headbang::saint:


Tesla always rocks live, got to see them with great white here in san diego
a few years ago, would like to see them again

Flavio CotM said:
Tesla always rocks live, got to see them with great white here in san diego
a few years ago, would like to see them again


Yeah This will be my 3rd time seeing them this year. They have a new Rude dude on Guitar that is awesome!!Dave Rude... Tommy is having issues again, so they decidied to go on without him, I guess....Cant wait HOB Saturday!!!Woooot!!!

Bear said:
Yeah This will be my 3rd time seeing them this year. They have a new Rude dude on Guitar that is awesome!!Dave Rude... Tommy is having issues again, so they decidied to go on without him, I guess....Cant wait HOB Saturday!!!Woooot!!!

Enjoy dude, got to see tesla on the MR tour opening for def leppard, i was
stunned to see the energy these kids had!!!!, been a fan of them since &
MR is one of my favorite albums!!!

I'm right there with you. I've only take 3 days off since New Year's Day and have saved most of my vacation time until the end of the year. THANKFULLY it's 12 days away!!!:headbang: :Smokin: :Smokin: :kickass:
I can certainly identify... the upcoming 3-day weekend's looking prety sweet, but the idea of having a full 4 days off to enjoy friends & family & music... even better, and definitely much needed.

See you all in 2 weeks (or less)!
lady_space said:
I can certainly identify... the upcoming 3-day weekend's looking prety sweet, but the idea of having a full 4 days off to enjoy friends & family & music... even better, and definitely much needed.

Must be nice. I work all weekend (likely at least 12 hour days).
I actually find ProgPower to be *more* stressful than my everyday life, which involves little to no stress at all.(knock on wood). The drive from Chicago is stressful depending on who's behind the wheel. Hotels are always a crap-shoot. Then you factor in hangovers, keeping track of tickets/cash/wallet/etc., and of course trying to balance meeting/greeting/purchasing with actually seeing all the bands I want to see. I'm fucking stressed just thinking about it all. Thanks alot! Can't wait though.
rockyracoon said:
I actually find ProgPower to be *more* stressful than my everyday life, which involves little to no stress at all.(knock on wood). The drive from Chicago is stressful depending on who's behind the wheel. Hotels are always a crap-shoot. Then you factor in hangovers, keeping track of tickets/cash/wallet/etc., and of course trying to balance meeting/greeting/purchasing with actually seeing all the bands I want to see. I'm fucking stressed just thinking about it all. Thanks alot! Can't wait though.

I have that shit down to a science :p:kickass:
thedelicateflower said:
...must be nice to have work to do...they pay me to do nothing all day, which can be REALLY BORING...i need a break from that....:Smug:

Ahaha. I hear you. I have having nothing to do and after a year, well, I have a second job title in my current department. I hope this keeps me busier!

But (assuming I get there easily), I'm really looking forward to PP.
rrhoadsfan1 said:
Damn glad to hear your workin again bro... Ya know we should hook up this weekend... Have a few beers... What ya think? I'm pretty close to Elgin.. : )

We'd love to, but yippee's working all weekend - seeing that his working is flying an airplane - few beers dont' fit in unfortunately.