I need some serious help:

I have Progpower dreams as well. Problem is, it's never at Earthlink for some reason. Usually some high school auditorium. And it's not loud enough.
adaher said:
I have Progpower dreams as well. Problem is, it's never at Earthlink for some reason. Usually some high school auditorium. And it's not loud enough.

Are you sure those aren't Powermad dreams? ;)
Haha, I actually had a dream back in May. I hadn't bought tickets yet and I was honestly studying each band's posted mp3 samples to decide if I wanted to go enough. That night, I had an intense dream that I went and had the best time of my life worshipping all these bands. I woke up purely elated and told my mother that I HAD to go! A ticket and three months later, I still have that elated feeling whenever I think about it. :headbang:
I have a dream now and then of not getting to the show on time, with every manner of calamity getting in the way... and then when I get there it isn't the right venue after all... instead it's some ones living room... or better yet I end up back here at the house. Then when I awaken, I realize I have to take a day off every now and then :lol: