Man Made god Little cover on fiddy wan fiddy.

Indeedily! I do have 2 but I had only really fiddled using it with the PB.

I need a new Interface as the Lexicon's second preamp decided to shit itself!

Presonus Firebox I think.

I'm also not sure which mic I should have louder. The one directly on or slighlty off. I guess just use my ears!
poida, I just had to re-listen a couple of times and fuck me!
this is the best 5150 tone I've heard so far, I even like it better than the clayman sound to be honest.
guitars sound friggin sweet...

I second those impulses! I'd love you to death :worship:
I keep coming back to listen to it as well. It makes me chuckle, because the tone is bang on. I hoping its the engl cab!

What was involved when it came to the mix as well Pete?
Did you do any drastic Eqing at all etc?
How many tracks involved here?

*prays for impulses* ;p
it's 230am...I'm making them later today when I wake up. As I was recording some shit.

This impulses might suck though kev. haha.

Um 4 tracks and only a hi and low pass. No boost/cuts.
wow, thats pretty minimal! Well, i'll let you off, its pretty late lol!

Seriously will be really appreciated if you can pull off some nice impulses, thanks ever so much for the effort however they turn out pete!
4 tracks all the same settings, same mic positions, same processing? 100/80/80/100 panning?
And if it's not asking too much could you post a preamp out of the head too? ;-)
Just wanna see how much it differs from my preamp out, I have the 5150 block letter, stock tubes as well