Man or Woman?


Papa Opeth
May 19, 2001
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Who is stonger (mind and body), smarter, more adaptable, more reasonable, more human (whatever the hell that means), etc.?

Are men pigs? Are women teases? In the end, who should be the last one standing once we start over?

My answer: woman (if I said man, my wife would kill me :) )
Originally posted by metalmancpa
Who is stonger (mind and body), smarter, more adaptable, more reasonable, more human (whatever the hell that means), etc.?

Are men pigs? Are women teases? In the end, who should be the last one standing once we start over?

My answer: woman (if I said man, my wife would kill me :) )

This equation sums it up quite nicely:
Women= Men- (all reason and accountability )
How do the other fractions enter the equation ? I mean those who are as queer as a 12-tone retrograde by Bach ?

Bernard H. Modt
Originally posted by D Mullholand
How do the other fractions enter the equation ? I mean those who are as queer as a 12-tone retrograde by Bach ?

Bernard H. Modt

Queer as in man, or woman?
This is a pretty hard question.

Overall, once technology comes to the point of easy gene-manipulation, women will be able to give birth without ever having been "violated" by a man.

So overall.. I think women will prevail, but men will fight to the dying breath!

or maybe not. I'm a pushover, so that could be why I think this way.

Salmon calls.
Can't spell women without men!
Oh it's too hard to call. I have often thought it would be easier to be a guy. Whether or not it is `better' to be male or female depends on the criteria.