Manchester, NH Gigantour

Apr 25, 2005
Nashua, NH

Well, first I want to start by saying that Gigantour has come and gone…and I’m left with somewhat of an empty feeling.

I was really pumped up for this show, and the months of waiting grew to such an overwhelming anticipation.

During the show, and after it was over I felt a small sense of despair for metal music and the future that seems uncertain.

The Verizon arena was only about half full, and overall the crowd seemed to be way too reserved. It made me think of the past, and how I would see bands such as Megadeth sell out arenas of this size with very little problem, and how fans would be rabid to see their favorite artist perform.

I wonder if those days are gone, and if it may only be due to the void I feel within today’s music industry.

In general, not even the mighty OZZ-Fest has been able to conjure up record breaking ticket sales as it has in the past.

I just feel as though the media, and the recording industry has let us down with the recycling of acts and the lack of future stars waiting to break out as the new saviors to rock music.

I grew up having multiple idols, and a wealth of bands that inspired me to become a musician…Were have our hero’s gone, and who will inspire the current and future generations????

With that said (I put away my soap box)…I got more than my monies worth courtesy of Dave Mustaine…Thank You for still believing in Metal!!!!!!!!!

I arrived shortly before doors opened, and found it to be a really great experience getting in the building and onto the floor.

The other people in line were very cool, and very courteous. This was my girlfriend’s second metal show, and she was soooo worried about having GA tix for the floor and that she would get trampled. This was just the opposite, and everyone entering the building and heading to the floor could not have been any cooler.

We stood right in front of the main stage, and watched Bobaflex as we waited for Nevermore.

Bobaflex was interesting, and somewhat amusing, but once again…nothing I have not heard at least a thousand times in the past 5 years. I give them an “A” for effort though.

They were tight, and seemed to be playing their hearts out.

Next up was Nevermore…

They are one of the main reasons I went to this show, and I can say honestly that they did not disappoint.

I have been to every Nevermore show in the Boston area since their birth. I have been a fan since the Sanctuary days (former incarnation), and have had the pleasure of seeing Sanctuary 2 times.

I have seen this band play flawlessly, and I have seen them play somewhat off.

The short set they performed was to date, one of their best.

Warrell (singer) was in top form, and impressed the hell out of me. This performance reinforced why he has been one of my idols, and will continue to be.

Jeff (guitar) is a God!!! What more can I say??? Van (drummer) was on the money, and makes it look so damn easy. Jim (bass) incredible as always and deserves MUCH more recognition. Today’s players could learn a lot from this guy!!! Steve (guitar) this guy blew me away. Talk about a secret weapon. Hands down one of the best guitarist in metal!!!

Nevermore was the biggest highlight of the night for me personally.

Dry Kill Logic….

Sorry, but I didn’t get it. Like I’ve said before, I have heard a thousand bands over the past few years that sound just like this.

Great effort, but I found getting the merchandise table more interesting.


Why, why, why????

I have listened to a lot of their stuff, and had high hopes of being blow away in some form. It did not happen in the slightest way.

I know that any Dilliger fans reading this will want to rip me up for this, but I can’t help but wonder what the allure is to this band.

Yes, they have some talent and some interesting parts, but overall bore me to death and seems generic in a sea of same-old… same-old.

The vocals lack any sort of individuality. There are a million guys out there screaming just like this, and it gets totally on my nerves. If he could scream and sing…well, maybe he would have something. But honestly he is boring and has zero range.

They are not the shinning star I had hoped to find, and will NEVER see them again.

Symphony X…

A ton of talent, but just not my bag. I think that this band is huge in the underground for a reason, and that reason is their pure talent. They just didn’t pull me in emotionally, but they did put on one hell of a show.

Fear Factory…

I have been a fan for a long time, but once again the vocals always turn me away.

At times I am drawn in by the mix of screaming, and singing…but this show just didn’t catch me. The first couple of songs lost me, and I went to get a drink.


Glad to see these veterans doing their own thing, and doing it well. I would love to see them in a club environment with a more receptive crowd.

I was impressed, and give them props for remaining true to their style.

Dream Theater….

What can you say about this band that hasn’t already been said a million times?

Love them, or hate them…they were incredible.

They always deliver the goods, but to me they are better suited for “The evening with” situations. Arena rock is not intimate enough for what they do.

None the less, they were a big highlight of the show.


For starters, you have to love Dave for putting this whole thing together.

Whether you loved or hated all the bands on the bill, he has put together one very unique package. He has worked his ass of to make this happen, and I for one am grateful.

I think the crowd overall was very reserved. Not that this is a bad thing, but after seeing Megadeth in Boston close to a year ago, the crowds were like night and day.

I don’t think the energy level of the crowd was quite were it could have been. I know I was VERY tired after being there for 7 hours. I also think attendance was some what poor, which is what spurred my opening comments.

Beyond that, Megadeth and Dave proved why they are pioneers in Metal and have remained what I consider an Icon for over 20 years.

I do not think anyone could ever duplicate, or replicate Dave Mustaine or the music he has created. In my mind he is a true on-of-a-kind, and deserves far more recognition in the music industry.

They played flawlessly, and even though I could hear a few sound issues with the lead vocals, Dave was a true veteran in top form of his game. He is a real entertainer, and I felt as though he gave me every penny of my monies worth. Everything from the incredible set list, to the pyro and lights made this a real rock show.

I hope that Megadeth continues for another 20 years or at least Dave does. I am a loyal fan, and I think a lot can be learned from him on what entertainment is all about.

That’s all folks…..