Manchester. Saki Bar


New Metal Member
Sep 15, 2009
I managed to catch Tartar Lamb there the other day. Was amazing to see them and even more amazing that it was in my home town never could of even dreamt they would play here. Me and my friend were blown away at how great their performance was.

They played just the Tartar Lamb stuff and had a lot of technical problems the keyboard didn't seem to want to work.

It was really unfortunate that some people were really loud at the back of the room which forced a portion of the croud to shout at them and even Toby to say something. Was such a shame. I know some of the band read these forums and just wanted to say sorry for the ignorance of those people, it was great that they got round to coming to Manchester and i really hope that they were not put off coming back by the people that can't keep their mouths closed and just listern to the music.

Has anyone else has that problem at any of their gigs? I seem to have it at a couple there's just some people that can't stand or sit and listen open themselves to music.

Thank you Kayo Dot for the entire tour and i hope you get the chance to come back to the UK and haven't had enough of airport security and ignorant people that seem to put things in the way of you just playing music.
at a Kayo Dot gig in Greenpoint (Brooklyn) recently, two drunken Brits came in and started shouting things like, "BO-RING!" Toby was like, "If you think this is boring so far, it's just gonna be more of the same for the rest of the hour, so get the fuck out!" and everyone cheered. The guys slunk out.
Brits again, honestly not all us Brits are like that. Theres a solid fan base here that actually love the music and like to be challanged by what we listen to. I hope the band don't think were all like that.

We do tend to have a very shoved down your throat pop and indie culture though were the likes of Kaiser Cheifs are hailed as gods. when actual music inovators don't get the recognition they deserve.
So much for a country that spawned the likes of Joy Division, Led Zep, Pink Floyd and many, many more...

I hope they've not had similar incidents with the other places they've visited here.
You could have heard a mouse fart at the leeds show! The mood was just right.

In fact, we were all whispering for about 10 minutes after the gig. When punters gathered around the merch table post-performance, they all sounded like they had just woken up. *Morning voice* - 'can I haz one them Books plz and frog shirts thnx?' - *Morning voice*

That said the venue in leeds was made up of different rooms with the gig taking place up stairs... no chance of regular punters finding their way into the live room. The only people in the room for Kayo Dot seemed really enthusiastic.
Arrr i nearly went to the Leeds one as well but didn't so that i could spend more money on merch.
(Couldn't resist picking up everything vinyl related they had)

The Saki Bar is right of the street next to some place that has massive bongs but we couldn't figure out what they were smoking. (I doubt they would so blatantly smoke week bought from a bar when there's a police station very near.)
Meant that we got random people in the gig who clearly had no intention of listning to the music, which stumps me as to why pay £5 for a live band just to talk if you don't know the band at all.

Those frog shirts were really strange but cool, i picked one up.