so i was at a bar near providence college on saturday


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
and these girls kept staring at me and one of them came up to me and put her hand on my arm and said "i really like your hair" to which i just said "thanks" and that was it. then the other girl went up to my roomate and said "you have a nice belly."

at this point in looking over at them i noticed that they apparently were with boyfriends so their behavior made me realize they probably were dared to "hit on the weirdos" or something.

not that this bothered me though because:

a. they were dumb PC girls whose opinion i could care less about

b. my hair was looking fucking amazing anyway that night
you should have motioned them closer conspiratorily and then been like "hey, i dare you to go hit on those total generic retard rubes across the bar over there!" and pointed at their boyfriends.