i got molested on the 5 train at bowling green on saturday

yeah, this would be a reason to carry pointy metal nail files instead of those emory board things made of foamy cardboard.

hope you're ok preppz.
perhaps you should invest in a subway mask. like, an old hag witch face halloween mask. or a werewolf one. although then you might get accosted by LARP Vampires.
i swear to god i just give off this "BOTHER ME" vibe. i could be covered in open sores and some dude would be like 'sup baby....' it sucks. i need to get a hag mask asap.
my coworker just said this will probably be in the police log today in the post and say 'assailant subsequently told police 'the whore punched me in the mouf!'.
Yes, the Russians in Columbus, Ohio are rude. But so are many people in Ohio. God it sucks living in Ohio... but at least I'm not sexually assaulted, as far as I know. I don't look like a cow, that's the main reason I think.
LuminousAether said:
Yes, the Russians in Columbus, Ohio are rude. But so are many people in Ohio. God it sucks living in Ohio...
haha I guess you're right. the other day some bovine critter was ambling out of Smokes for Less and stepped right in front of my car. I stopped just in time, and he was yelling like it was my fault. moron. and don't get me started on the boy scout who is jim tressel.
what I know about Ohio:
1. southeastern ohio is full of hilljacks; many of whom are migrating north because they have heard they can irritate me more by their proximity.
2. most of ohio is filled with corn.
3. we consistently (columbus that is) make the "fattest cities in america" list
4. there are shitloads of russians and somalians.
5. if you are a pro sports fan in ohio, you have the mind numbing choice of these losers: Columbus Bluejackets, Cincinnati Reds or Bengals, Cleveland Cavaliers, Browns or Indians.
well, connecticut used to technically stretch from the Atlantic to the Pacific, but only the width of its north and south borders. then it got reduced to the area between modern CT through and including modern Ohio. i think CT fought a little war with PA and eventually cut "ohio" loose, but i hear if you go to some towns in NE ohio, the buildings look weirdly very new englandy.
Now, South-Western Ohio, on the other hand, is quite like Kentucky. If you've ever seen the movie Gummo, that's very similar to a lot of the towns near where I grew up. Here in Columbus, it's a little better... but ultimately a little boring dealing with the lack of interesting musical tastes in 99.999999% of the population. If I ever hear Dave Matthews played in a crummy apartment while hicks swill beer and talk about football again, I will probably crack under the strain.
I can't really formulate a consoling response to this other to say that it's disgusting and disturbing, preppy.
As for ways to deal with these occurances, the Japanese probably have a plethora of information in regards to this, though I sincerely doubt if there's a way to avoid such people intent as they are on doing these things.