Mandatory - anybody dig or know anything about them?

They rule. Old School Death Metal. ....Where They Bleed is a solid debut EP.
lol /\

Actually Mike, if you're interested in using any of his prints as an album cover (which is what Mandatory is attempting to do right now), the fee would be fairly minimal. Obviously an original piece would command higher $$.

He's done album covers for Deceased, October 31st, Crypticus, was contacted by Anne Boleyn to do one (but too busy at the time).

That's far from what he usually does though - he's a fantasy, sci-fi, horror, etc. artist for small press and insider magazines. He's amazing, ridiculously talented and deserves big time recognition. His only hindrance is that he's color blind, so most of his art is done in black & white pen & ink (which can be colorized by alternate means afterwards). He can do color on his own, but needs someone there to tell him what color is what while he's drawing. :)

His website -

This is the piece Mandatory's currently trying to get for their album cover and t-shirts as well:


Ace picture!

Yeah the vocals took one spin for me to get used to, but they don't distract from the great death metal!