Mandatory Now Playing

Fucking YES. :kickass:
They should only be listened to together in my opinion.

And now.....

Wait for it......

MY PARASITE :kickass:

Post #4000 :lol:

Fucking hell...

I always have to play some live late 80's Metallica every now and then to remind me just how good they really used to be. Ah James' old voice... why the fuck did it have to go. :(
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I blame Bob Cock.

Fixed. And yeah, age of course. :lol: Well, he did blow his voice out which caused him to lose that grit and edge that he used to have. I understand and accept it of course, and still love them to death, it's just amazing to see how good they were back in the day.
Oh...... yeah, I guess that MAY have had something to do with it. :lol:

Demolition Hammer - Epidemic of Violence
On an "Epidemic of Violence" kick at the moment. :kickass: