Mandatory Now Playing

Wow..... Dave that song was amazing.... Now I want FF6, like..... Really bad. :lol:

Dream Theater - Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence
Part V : Goodnight Kiss
Final Fantasy VI is widely regarded to have one of the best (if not THE best) soundtracks ever composed for a video game. And I gotta say, I'd agree 100% - yeah it's only 16-bit MIDI, but it strikes you where it counts. Couple it with the brilliant story and character developments when playing the game and it's almost enough to bring a tear to your eye.

I've basically got Shadow's Theme on repeat hahaha. I'm going to try and do a cover of this at some point
Municipal Waste - Abusement Park
Gah, short song is short.

Municipal Waste - Black Ice
23 seconds? :lol:

Municipal Waste - Mind Eraser