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Yeah I liked it a lot. The bonus features were interesting too but there were no sound clips so you could hear the bands' sounds. And all the guys basically said "Oh yeah a fuckin awesome band!" for all of them. That got a bit boring, but the historian guy was good, he explained a bit more about the individual bands.

NP: People Of The Lie - Kreator
Checking out some Exumer and liking what I'm hearing. Fallen Saint.

I haven't gotten Grin. Its the only studio album of Coroner's I didn't get. I'll see about getting it soon though. I heard the Death Cult demo yesterday with Tom G. Warrior on vocals. You can't tell Ron Royce from him at all.
I think Grin and Coroner are out of print because Grin wasn't as successful as its older brothers. Coroner was essentially a compilation CD with some rare and new stuff on. Both are worth it though.

Exodus - Bonded By Blood 2008