Mandatory Now Playing

Shunsuke Kida - Demon's Souls Soundtrack - Old Monk

Not helping my shit mood.

James LaBrie - Over the Edge
This isn't either.


Oh theeer's an eeempty place in my bones,
That caaalls out fooor somethiiing unknown.
The faaame and praaaise come year after year,
Does nooothing fooor theese eeempty teeeaaaars!

Oh... It ended...

Zombiekrig - Intro/Utbrott:kickass:
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Destruction - The Price
Destruction - Hate Is My Fuel
Destruction - Cracked Brain 2007
Destruction - The Butcher Strikes Back
Destruction - Unconscious Ruins 2007
Sodom - Feigned Death Throes
Sodom - God Bless You
Sodom - Gathering of Minds