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I always found Terrible Certainty to be castly overrated... nowhere near as overrated as Pleasure to Kill or Extreme Aggression, but it seem that everyone goes on about the same three Kreator records whilst forgetting the utter genius that's Coma of Souls.

On topic: SNK NEOGEO and Two-Five - In Spite of One's Age (Ver. Immortal)
I always found Terrible Certainty to be castly overrated... nowhere near as overrated as Pleasure to Kill or Extreme Aggression, but it seem that everyone goes on about the same three Kreator records whilst forgetting the utter genius that's Coma of Souls.

On topic: SNK NEOGEO and Two-Five - In Spite of One's Age (Ver. Immortal)

Coma of Souls is great too. Not sure how the two compare against each other yet though.

Kreator - Terror Zone