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could you recommend me some Iced Earth ?:D

Hhhmmm.... I have all of their albums except for Glorious Burden (which is some super patriotic USA themed album. Why, I don't even...) so I'll not mention that one, as for the rest :

In chronological order :

1990 : Iced Earth. Debut album with singer Gene Adam. A very good album, but the value of this album is solely determined by whether or not you like the vocals. Nothing really crazy mind you.... But Barlow is better. :lol: An absolute classic ends this one, "When the Night Falls".

1991 : Night of the Stormrider. Gene Adam is gone, and in his place is new singer John Greely. I prefer his vocals to Gene's. The album starts with a bang, "Angels Holocaust", and doesn't show any signs of stopping until the passive "Before the Vision". Three more songs, including "Desert Rain" which owns, and then another quiet one, "Reaching the End", all building up to another fantastic closer "Travel in Stygian." Again, same as the last one, the vocals are good, but Barlow is better.

1995 : Burnt Offerings. First album to feature singer Matt Barlow. They had some record label trouble around this time if I recall correctly, so this album ended up being extremely heavy. "Burnt Offerings" starts really creepily and sets the tone for the rest of album. "Last December" is really good too, even though it's basically a Romeo and Juliet story. And for the third time in a row, the last song "Dante's Inferno" ends up being the best one. 16 minutes long? Lyrics based off "The Divine Comedy"? Double win.

1996: The Dark Saga. Maybe not the best musically, but it's my favorite. An album totally and completely about Spawn? Fuck yes. "I Died For You" will have you in tears, "Violate" will smash your face in, and "Depths of Hell" will have you headbanging like... Well, hell. :lol: The last three songs make up "The Suffering" trilogy, ending with "A Question of Heaven" which is one of the most epic songs ever made.

1998 : Something Wicked This Way Comes. I hope you like the concept of the last three songs.... They made two more FULL ALBUMS based off of it. :lol: "Burning Times" and "Melancholy (Holy Martyr)" are both awesome, as are "Stand Alone" and "My Own Savior". "Watching Over Me" is another tear jerker, and the second best song on here. The last three songs make up the "Something Wicked" trilogy about..... The anti-christ more or less. "The Coming Curse", the last song, being the best one of the three.

2001: Horror Show. A concept album (of sorts) that has a song for each Hollywood movie monster. So, Dracula, Frankenstein, the Werewolf etc. etc. "Damien" being the best song I think. The "Transylvania" cover is pretty cool too.

2002 : A Tribute to the Gods. Covers album. I've heard some, but not all, so I can't say.

2004 : Glorious Burden. As I said earlier, I don't have this one, but I know Joe thinks it's total shit. :lol: First album to feature new singer Tim "Ripper" Owens. After 9/11, Barlow decided that he needed to become a police officer, so he left. Sucks, but you gotta salute the man for doing what he felt he needed to.

2007 : Framing Armageddon : Something Wicked Pt. 1. First of a double album concept based on the "Something Wicked" trilogy. The story goes that in ancient times, our planet was inhabited by the Setian race, not humans. Humans came from space, and slaughtered millions of setians until only ten thousand were left. (Invasion, Setian Massacre) These remaining ten thousand took refuge in the mountains and cast a spell that made the humans forget where they came from. (A Charge to Keep, The Clouding) To complete their revenge, the setians mixed back in with humans, (Infiltrate and Assimilate) biding their time until The One was to arise. The One, who is basically the anti-christ was to trigger events over the course of thousands of years until he was to rise and conquer the planet, completing the setians long awaited revenge. Aside from the songs I mentioned above, "Ten Thousand Strong" and "Retribution Through the Ages" deserve special mentions.

2008 : The Crucible of Man : Something Wicked Pt.2. Matt Barlow returns after a five year hiatus. The story for this one is a continuation of the one above, except this one is about The One, and not the setian race. all the songs basically describe how he comes to power and destroys shit. :lol: Barlow's absence (or age maybe?) seems to have affected this voice slightly, as it's not as powerful as it once was. Still great though. Highlights : A Gift or a Curse?, The Dimension Gauntlet, I Walk Alone, Harbinger of Fate and Come What May.

@Unnamed One - :lol: Why stop there? :p

If I were you metallica144, I'd go....
Iced Earth and Stormrider first, the all the Barlow albums (in any order really), and then the Something Wicked double album.

God damn I wanna listen to Iced Earth now. :lol:

Iced Earth - Dante's Inferno
Keenan covered it very well.

If you are new to Iced Earth you might want to consider a compilation album they released titled Days of Purgatory. It contains songs from the debut and Night of the Stormrider, but they are rerecorded with Matt Barlow on vocals.

I'd also suggest Alive in Athens. It is one of the best live metal albums ever created/recorded.
If you are new to Iced Earth you might want to consider a compilation album they released titled Days of Purgatory. It contains songs from the debut and Night of the Stormrider, but they are rerecorded with Matt Barlow on vocals.

I'd also suggest Alive in Athens. It is one of the best live metal albums ever created/recorded.

I came back to post that same thing. :lol: I don't have Alive in Athens though. I need to get it.

Nobuo Uematsu - Final Fantasy X Soundtrack - The Truth Revealed
After those albums, they started playing more powermetal, so for someone who haven't heard them very much, the albums after Something Wicked does not represent the band imo. I love alot of songs on all the albums after that, but imo Iced Earth should stick to the more to the dark, thrashy but still melodic, mixed with some beautiful ballads style of the first five albums.

NP: King Diamond - Arrival
:lol: There are only a handful of bands that I'd do something like that for, and Iced Earth is one of em. :kickass:

Realm - Knee Deep in Blood