Mandatory Now Playing

Bal-Sagoth - Arcana Antediluvia

After seeing you post about this band so often, I decided to check them out last night. WOW! What do you thinnk is the best place to start? I only heard like three songs, and they were all from different albums.

Amon Amarth - For Victoy or Death
After seeing you post about this band so often, I decided to check them out last night. WOW! What do you thinnk is the best place to start? I only heard like three songs, and they were all from different albums.

Amon Amarth - For Victoy or Death

My favorite is The Chthonic Chronicles. Atlantis Ascendant and The Power Cosmic are also great albums to start with. You might appreciate Starfire Burning upon Ice Veiled Throne of Ultima Thule. I love the could be the Soundtrack to Conan the Barbarian.

NP: Winterfylleth - Defending the Realm
it's time to listening to something else instead of Dream Theater

Muse - Map Of The Problematique

the guitar at the very beginning is so awesome