Manilla Road News

Krilons Resa

Jerry's married?!
Nov 7, 2002
Inside dorian's gym bag.
Feb 2, 06

Hail to all,

Well I hope everyone had a good holiday season and a good New Year. I will apologize now for not being on the board for some time in hopes that everyone will understand that when I am working on new music I seem to seclude myself from the world and just hide. This seems to be the best way for me to really get into the writing process. So now to the news.

I have been locked away in Midgard Sound Labs for the last month or more doing two things: Recording other bands that are doing albums in my studio and writing the music for our next project which is going to be thought I was going to tell you, didn't you? Not yet. I am happy to report, though, that all but one song is now written for the next Manilla Road opus. Yes it is going to be another concept album. Harvey and Cory and I are working very hard on rehearsing the songs that we have come up with so far so that we can begin the recording process of the album. And in actuality I have already started recording some of the stuff for the project. The intro to the album is done and another intro for one of the other songs is recorded also. We have not started recording the songs themselves yet but we are very close to that step. I have come to a point where I am sort of stumped in the creation of this last song. It is the next to the last song of the album and it is not the concept of the lyrics that has me stumped but the music itself. I have lots of riffs that I like but I just have not come up with what feels right for this song yet so I have taken a short break to get back to my emails and the message board to a quick heads up.

We are not doing anymore shows until April 29th in Wichita at JC's House Of Rock with Bible of The Devil and The Nerds. We will be spending all our time working on the new album so that we can finish it up before we start doing any touring for this year. Unfortunately things fell through for the shows in New York and New Jersey. A mishap with the promoter in that area has caused the cacellation of those shows. We are still doing the festival in Chicago on June 10th though so I hope to see many of you there.

I would like to thank Jowita for giving you all a heads up on what was going on with me so that you did not think I fell off the planet.

Well I guess that is all for now. I will be returning to the confines of Midgard Sound labs now so that I can finish writing this album. All is well here. The boys are doing great with working up their parts to this project and my voice is in top form. So it is still upward and onward for Manilla Road. Thanks to all who support us and May The Gods Smile Upon Thee.

Up The Hammers & Down The Nails

:kickass: :kickass: :kickass: