Manilla Road - Voyager

Awful mixing job on it... unless its the compression used.

Long ass intro too.

First song is alright so far.

Will report more later.
WTF is the deal with the track Conquest... Feels really out of place.

Actually, lots of the album just sounds out of the place.

I like the tracks individually, but the album seems to lack identity.
I should hopefully get mine today. Preferably before I leave for school, but the mail has been coming later lately, which is fucking gay.
Open the Gates, Mystification, The Deluge, Crystal Logic, Mark of the Beast, Metal, and Out of the Abyss are essential.
Courts Of Chaos...well, primarily the second half of the not to be missed either. I just got my copy of the new album, will give it a listen around campus.
Why the fuck is there no sound on my computer? I'm "listening" to the Manilla Road album right now, and not hearing anything, and I can't figure out what the fuck is wrong. Everything was perfectly fine yesterday...not even headphones work.
had somethign similar at home, one of the HDs (its 6 years old now) is out of the spare sectors (that make your 500GB drive 465GB) so it has a lot of write errors. And seemed to "lose" the sound card drivers. Check that you have sound drivers in device manager, reinstall if needed and try agian.
Okay, I got it working now...I'm not sure why it wasn't working though, because there were no problems last night. My brother must have been fucking with something. I was playing with a few things and it still wasn't working, so I restarted the computer and now it's working. Which means I'm going to skip class so I can sit here and listen to Manilla Road.