Manilla Road

Manilla Road are awesome. Crystal Logic is great. As others have said, Open the Gates and The Deluge are great too. You're in for some treats.
I don't really like the production on Crystal Logic, which is the only Manilla Road album I've ever heard, but Necropolis and the title track are great songs.
I don't really like the production on Crystal Logic, which is the only Manilla Road album I've ever heard, but Necropolis and the title track are great songs.

Is that because it seems kinda raw and underproduced? As epic as much of their material is, the sound on most MR albums has that vibe to some extent---even those from the last ten years. Actually, Crystal Logic almost seems more polished than some of the recordings that followed it.
Well they never really have crystal clear production, there's always a lot of fervor and passion in the heart of their sound.