Manowar - The Lord of Steel

Fire breath

Feb 20, 2002
Finally the Kings of Metal have one again graced or should that be bludgeoned our ears with their latest opus on all things metal. We've been waiting a long time for this one. I've heard many people saying they were disappointed with the overblown nature of Gods of War. Well this album is for you. They were supposed to do another Odin based double disk but Joey scrapped cause he felt inspired to record something more like the old days with no major concept involved just heavy bloody metal. So did they bring the true metal and then some? Well yes they brought the true metal but it ain't always that good.

Mind you I don't think I ever really truly enjoy a Manowar album from start to end but I absolutely get captivated by some songs and so it continues with this album. Here is my song by song thoughts.

The Lord of Steel - The title track is a typical Manowar firecracker like Wheels of Steel or Warlord or something speedy. The riffs sound simple and very fast with beefy bass. Now let's say a few words about the bass production. The bass sounds unlike any previous Manowar album. At first it completely threw me cause I thought I was listening to a stoner album! The bass takes some getting used to man! It sounds like those fuzzed up sub human hearing bass sounds you hear on Electric Wizard or some such doom fuzz band. Not great to be honest. Anyway the song is ok but it doesn't do huge deal for me. A short note about Eric. He sounds great on this album. He sounds better than ever in fact. Age has not made his voice any worse compared to other big metal singers. The song is ok but not catchy enough in the rather average chorus. 6.5/10

Manowarriors - There's an anthem about the band's fans on almost every album. This is this particular album's contribution to that theme. I quite like this tune. It's silly as hell but the galloping riffs are quite catchy. A short word about the drum sound. It kicks ass! Heavy and thumping. A fun song and you will catch on to the chorus soon enough with the gang shouts. The solo in this song is ok and better than others. A short word about the lead playing. In general it sucks but I don't care. I don't listen to Manowar for guitar solos. 7/10

Born in a Grave - Mid paced, fuzzy pounder with a galloping beat that is broken by whispered vocals from Eric before his smoother voice kicks and propels the song in rather steady fashion. The chorus is rather underwhelming to say the least. It's ok but the song is too plodding. I don't mind slow paced but it needs a focal point or memorable element and this one doesn't seem to gather any steam. Not feeling it with this one but it does get better when the nagging mid tempo sort of pummels you as the song goes into it's conclusion. That fuzz bass is very very prominent in this song and annoys rather as does the boring solo. 5/10

Righteous Glory - I love Manowar ballads. To me they are one of the best Balladeers in all of metal. I can add this song to a long list of fantastic emotional Manoballads now. This song has gorgeous smooth build with slow guitar arpeggios and rough distorted chords when necessary. The song reminds of Swords in the Wind from the last album. Eric is the star of the show here though. His voice sounds beautiful and crystal clear with very cool emotional melodies in the chorus. Joey's bass is again huge sounding in this song but not as fuzzed up as on other tracks. The song builds waves of torch swaying emotion as it reaches relaxed crescendo with the chorus to fade. 8.5/10

Touch the Sky - A good one two this with a mid paced catchy stomper to follow the ballad. This song has one of the best chest beating, life affirming choruses on the whole album. During the verses things are fairly pedestrian however come the chorus you are roused into warrior mode. The solo in this song is not bad either but It's Eric pounding heart beating melodies that captivate my ears. 8/10

Black List - A dark and brooding slow pounder with thunderous drums and pounding fuzz bass providing a long intro before the vocals start. Like Bridge of Death this one is slow menacing and has a foreboding feel to it all. Eric sounds like he's gonna meet you at the gates of hell and show you round your new home with his scything lyrics about making a black list of some kind though I'm not exactly sure what he's going on about to be honest. The song is a dirge alright but the nagging chorus is quite cool actually. The soloing behind the vocals sounds very dirty and messy and personally I don't like to hear solos behind vocals as it just annoys me. The song plods to it's conclusion however it's better than the other dirge we've heard so far which was Born in A Grave. 6.5/10

Expendable - A great big hulking mid paced thumper this one loosely based around the film of the same name. I like the way it rolls along with Eric barking out aggressive lyrics with a crunchy chorus. A very simple and short tune at 3:10 and a bit throwaway maybe but it's ok and I guess if you pump this one loud you can get into it a bit memorable. Not my fave song though but the chorus does nag you into submission on repeated plays. 7/10

El Gringo - I really like this song with it's sweet mid paced gallop and Spaghetti Western feel and "Injun" sounding chants. The melody in this song is enjoyable and pretty cool from Eric and one of the more memorable ones heard on the album. The album surely needed more songs like this one. The solo is also not bad. 8/10

Annihilation - As the title would suggest this is a pretty heavy song for Manowar. The pace is again fairly slow but the riffs are crunchy and Eric's melodies are quite cool come the chorus complete with the "Annihilationnnnnn!" scream although he always controls it well and it never turns into a yelp. The solo is just another average Manosolo that are ten a penny. The chorus is a good one and pretty enjoyable and repeats to fade. 7.5/10

Hail, Kill and Die - With that title you'd expect something special to end with and yes this is a solid and typically aggressive true metal pounder with gang chants for the chorus. This one will go down well when played live no doubt. The used the oft done "let's use all our song titles as lyrics" cliche and whilst cheesy as all hell it actually works for me. However apart from a crunching riff and a repetitive chanting chorus the song doesn't really have too much going for it. It's no way as good as the original Hail and Kill though it tried very hard to be close to it but it just fails. Having said all that it is a good way to end and makes a statement for the band and fans. 7/10

So there the album ends on a very heavy note and we are left with another regular Manowar. No big overblown concept just true pounding heavy metal from start to end. To be honest the album is a bit disappointing. I enjoy it but I wanted more catchiness and memorable song writing. Gods of War gets a lot of flak but to me it had many great tunes which are not quite matched here though this is by no means a bad album. I think the reviews will be somewhat mixed for this one though it sounds like Manowar and they've stayed true the sound more or less. Just watch out for Joey's bass fuzz - you'll get a big what the fuck when you first hear it!

Overall rating - 7/10
I'm a HUGE Manowar fan and I absolutely HATE this album. :puke: Writing my review now for The Metal Pit. It sounds like they took all the passion and fun out of writing a Manowar album and got 'The Lord of Steel". Thumbs way down and I'm sad to say it! :cry:
I'm a HUGE Manowar fan and I absolutely HATE this album.
I wouldn't say I hate it. I reserve my musical hate for band's who turn their backs on their fans in some way. That said, this certainly isn't a real strong disc. For the life of me, I can't figure out why it took five years to write. The reality is, when your primary songwriter is sixty, bat-shit crazy, and has the lyrical acumen of a drunk four year old, your going to struggle to write great albums.
It makes me sad to hear these reviews! I'll probably still buy it, but it might just be a digital download out of curiosity at this point.. SAD.
I wouldn't say I hate it. I reserve my musical hate for band's who turn their backs on their fans in some way. That said, this certainly isn't a real strong disc. For the life of me, I can't figure out why it took five years to write. The reality is, when your primary songwriter is sixty, bat-shit crazy, and has the lyrical acumen of a drunk four year old, your going to struggle to write great albums.

Why wouldn't Eric Adams do other projects, I just don't get it! One of the best metal voices of all time, he can collaborate with tons of great names out there. Both him and fans are missing out possible metal masterpieces!
I consider myself a fan of the first four albums and then a casual listen for the others. Thus, I checked out the new one.

I couldn't get past the bass tone of the first song alone...
Why wouldn't Eric Adams do other projects, I just don't get it! One of the best metal voices of all time, he can collaborate with tons of great names out there. Both him and fans are missing out possible metal masterpieces!
At this point, his voice is in serious decline. As to why he never did them in his prime? That's a good question. After Tate, I consider Adams the second best Metal vocalist ever.

I consider myself a fan of the first four albums and then a casual listen for the others. Thus, I checked out the new one.

I couldn't get past the bass tone of the first song alone...
OMG. The bass tone is as silly as the lyrics. I know Joey hates the fact that he's not a guitar player, but playing a bass with that much distortion is just silly.
What is up with the bass tone? It's not something I usually pay attention to, but it sounds like it's buzzing all weird.. kinda like it's being played on an old keyboard.

Why, Manowar? Why?
Did your wife flip your list upside down recently? :Lol:

Btw, you couldn't pay me enough to listen to this whole album through.

Dude, even if you don't like Manowar, you have to admit that Eric is a damn fine singer!!!...As an ex-girfriend once told me when she heard Eric sing, "Finally a Male Metal Singer that sounds like a Man and not like a Girl" lol......His voice is as powerful as it gets!!! and Yes, Eric Adams is one of the best!!!!... Absolutely no argument about that.
Dude, even if you don't like Manowar, you have to admit that Eric is a damn fine singer!!!...As an ex-girfriend once told me when she heard Eric sing, "Finally a Male Metal Singer that sounds like a Man and not like a Girl"...
You need to take into consideration, Milt prefers his singers testosterone-free, hence his unnatural love of Andre Matos.
So - I figured I would check out this new band as they have a similar name to mine. First, thank GOD(z) it is not another "concept" album. I was hoping they would just go in the freaking studio and pull out something like the first few albums. Did they, not quite, but it may be as close as we are going to get as long as Joey is doing the producing (umm, Joe - just record the freaking songs, get the levels to what they will approximately sound like live, quit doing a billion overdubs and backing vocals when you don't have the band singing backup live - it will save time and money, just sayin').

I have only listened to it twice thus far, don't even know the song titles as I listen when going for a walk so far - a couple things - if you like Manowar, you like cheez - I do (not the food stuff, that is pretty gross except on pizza). The Mano-lyric generator has not had a new database added. Certain words come up more on this album than others but fear not Manowarriors - it is basically just the same list of 300 words randomly used and rhymed. Sigh, oh well that is the Manowar we have had basically ever since SotH. You wan't lyrical diversity go listen to Justin Beiber dammit.

The bass tone - umm, yeah, at first I was like "hey Joey is doing something different", the I was like "oh yeah, Joey still wants to be a guitarist", it could be worse - but it ain't good. Guitar work - wait is Karl on here? Oh there he was - a quick solo blended in with the Bass Fuzz. I like Karl - I really do, a lot of his playing is very similar but that probably has to do with the obsession with righting simple, bombastic songs for the crowd to sing along to. Drums - welcome back Donnie (RIP Scott) - he sounds pretty good considering he dropped off the face of the earth after recording Battle Hymn. Eric - still my favorite singer but hardly uses his "clean" voice at all anymore - may not be able to. I think he has gotten so into the habit of trying to sound "gruff" that it just works his way into almost every thing he does now. Production - well it is modern day Manowar - which means since someone let Joey have a studio it is going to be entirely over produced - it sounds good - but what I want is for someone to take these guys, put a gun (or a sword to be more TRUE) to their head - give them two weeks to write and record two albums worth of material (ala IGR & HTE) and just record it raw and live.

Will it grow on me? Someone said it was a grower (not a shower, hey I know what that is like) - so I will give it a few more spins - at least I didn't have to edit out a ton of spoken word crap that could have been more songs but wasn't right? Some of the songs seemed like they could be pretty cool - some are just the silly cheezy singalong odes to either the band, the fans, or METAL that we have come to expect on every album since Fighting the World. It could be a better album and I am damn sure it could be worse, but at least it is a Manowar album which means that it starts out at least better than 99% of the other stuff out there,right :)

I consider myself a fan of the first four albums and then a casual listen for the others. Thus, I checked out the new one.

I couldn't get past the bass tone of the first song alone...

YES! Besides the songs being boring as hell the bass tone is HORRID!

I couldn't listen to a single complete track because of it either.
Let me fix that for you:

Yeah, I figured. I don't like his voice, it's a matter of OPINION. That being said, if I don't like his voice, he won't figure in my favorite/best singers list.

Dude I would never say what you quoted me saying. I know that to a point, it's a matter of opinion, but I can understand you not liking the music, but there's no argument that Eric isn't a fine powerful singer....Now, you may not his style of singing and I can totally respect that...You may be more into the Andre Matos style, which I absolutely can't stand..... With that said, it is seriously NOT COOL to edit my text and put something in quotes that I did not
say... seriously.....not cool at all........
I have to agree about the bass tone. I'm listening to the first track of the album right now. I think the bass sound is fucking killing what is otherwise a good main riff.