This is a one-man-band avant-metal project featuring Davide Tiso from the group Ephel Duath. The liner notes mention his interest in Black Metal but in the photos he's not in corpse paint. Eraldo Bernocchi from Italian esoteric outfit Sigillum S is in the producer's chair as well. The music is largely instrumental, but unlike many bands of this sort it's a bit more captivating. The guitars definitely sound heavy but this release seems to have more in common with MX-80 Sound or Sun City Girls, particularly with the Eastern musical scales. Tiso plays every instrument and does quite a good job, especially on the drums. There does tend to be a bit more of a dissonant edge to it, given (perhaps) Bernocchi's influence.
I like the track "When Uriel Shakes the Soil", which adds a bit of Birthday Party discord to the mix. This release has a great raw sound to it missing from much of today's metal and I wish there was more of this.
So a very commendable forward-thinking metal release by Manuscripts Don't Burn. Open your mind as you burn your ears...

9,5/10 !!!!! :headbang::headbang::headbang:


Davide Tiso's return was always going to be a welcome one. Certainly he's a man who will always be capable of delivering interesting (if not always great) music. It was a shame to learn of the break-up of Ephel Duath, and so soon after what was arguably their greatest album. There was a feeling of unfinished business; that their peak was yet to come. Of course, Ephel Duath was always a one-man prospect in terms of song-writing, so this could be viewed as an instrumental follow-up to 'Through My Dog's Eyes' could it not? Well, yes and no actually; there's greater scope here. Not limited by the inclusion of vocals, the music, always fighting to get free in Ephel Duath's songs, is finally given room to fly. And soar it does. The first thing to grab you is the familiar low-tunings and meandering of Davide's guitar work. However, it's the inclusion of melody, never a mainstay of Ephel Duath, in subtle little movements that really impresses. You may not notice it at first, but it creeps in and before you know it, you're humming along; the catchy tendrils wrapping you up to digest your brain well after you've pressed 'stop'. I might have been sad at Ephel Duath's demise, but I'm more than happy about the birth of this project. Long may it continue, and long may Davide make inspiring music.

Ci sono musicisti che, in fissa con i vari macchinari e programmi per registrare musica, si lasciano andare alla produttività più sfrenata e creativa, facendo fiumi e fiumi di musica strana e sperimentale, oltre al proprio progetto principale. Beh, non so se la storia dietro i Manuscripts don’t burn di Davide Tiso (già master mind degli interessanti Ephel Duath) sia questa, ma potrebbe essere paragonabile alla mia teoria. Raramente, però, a tale creatività ho visto associata una reale efficacia della musica proposta, che non va oltre lo status di “sì vabbè carino, ma tutto sommato non serviva”. E sinceramente, per me questo è il caso di MDB, la cui release propone 6 brani di musica abbastanza in catalogabile e del tutto strumentale, che punta tutto sulla chitarra, e solo nell’ultima canzone il basso esce allo scoperto.
In pratica questo cd scorre via liscio come l’olio, ma entusiasma col contagocce e pare che le composizioni più che studiate e curate siano gettate lì con una certa approssimazione: c’è una certa ripetitività delle soluzioni stilistiche utilizzate, c’è odore di pretenzioso, e per tutto l’ascolto dell’album non mi è mai andato via il pensiero che più che un vero e proprio progetto, questa sia solo una lunga improvvisazione alla chitarra che Davide ha fatto diventare progetto e cd da vendere. Bello, ma purtroppo il risultato non è dei migliori: il cd è scarsamente intellegibile, e le poche volte che trascina un po’, come nella migliore di tutte “Like a Zephir”, che unisce un senso di attesa ad una certa tragicità di fondo, non si va mai oltre lo status di “carino, ma non meritava di essere pubblicato come cd vero e proprio”. E nel frattempo, la noia sollevata dalla inespressiva “Invoking Metatron” non giova alle sorti del cd.
Insomma, tornando all’inizio della recensione: tutto sommato questo cd non serviva e non era il caso di rilasciarlo, soprattutto con quello che cd oggi costano. Forse sarebbe stata un’altra cosa se questo cd lo si fosse messo a scaricare gratuitamente, oppure se lo si fosse rilasciato come demo, ma così è solo un disco dall’interesse marginale. Il giudizio finale mette in evidenza una bocciatura a causa di un pessimo rapporto qualità/prezzo e di una evidente non imprescindibilità. Stavolta forse l’artista è stato troppo egocentrico.


The Breathing House

Release: 29.10.2010

Label: Amaranth Recordings

Avantgenre: Free-form Mystical Avant-prog

Duration: Under 30 Minutes

Origin: Italy/USA

Official site: None

Review online since: 23.11.2010 / 11:34:37


Davide Tiso's solo work is like a peep-show because it openly allows you to witness his incredibly spasmodic, almost entranced, guitar masturbations. And my impression is that he actually never comes: there is no final release there, but a feverish level of creative activity, an entirely instinctive outpour sustained by mystical single-mindedness.
This short instrumental work (under the half-hour mark) is so naked, so personal and so brave in exposing itself "during the act” that if there had been a final release it would have missed the point entirely. I feel that Davide is showing us the tortured delight that lives in the mind and heart of a true musician, daresay of an underrated genius. Were he to release a follow-up to this solo album, I doubt we would witness the ultimate orgasm either, since his musical search is ongoing and (in spite of some of the Biblical/Kabbalistic titles) very Tantric in spirit. Why? Because Davide seems to use a deeply intimate but, at the same time, distinctively physical, fleshly path to artistically connect with the unknown: his obsessive and intricate guitar parts and his free-form, cathartic, drumming feel as natural and organic as a bio-universe bursting with unfathomable entities. In "When Uriel Shakes the Soil”, easily the most intense and tormented piece on the album, Davide takes us to the mighty presence of Uriel, the Archangel of Fire associated with Music and Poetry, but also with Repentance. The track flows straight into "Invoking Metatron”, the highest of angels representing the emanation of earthly divine presence. But ultimately the stunning, disorienting beauty of the two songs stand on their own compositional merits even if we wished to disassociate them from their suggestive titles. Both the unsuspecting and the more sophisticated of listeners will absolutely loose themselves into this universe of swirling forms that never take shape, of dissonant repetitiveness that never submits to an order, of vague ectoplasmic flashes that briefly illuminate the dark chaos within and beyond us. What is even more awe-inspiring is that Davide’s release makes up but a mere splinter of the artistic universe that lives inside his head. It is almost like prog and jazz were taken for a spin inside the artist’s own Hadron Collider creating bright and ephemeral new avant-garde particles which we might never fully identify. So where will this genial album ultimately leave us? Even before it being over we shall feel surrounded by a sonic/visual turmoil that will raise soul-wrenching sensations of yearning and anxiety, and that’s exactly where we shall realise that Chaos and Void painfully, yet majestically, coincide.

Here's what the man himself has to say about this project:


"The project "Manuscripts Don’t Burn” spawned in 2009, although the concept evolved in my mind long before Ephel Duath was ever born. The idea was inspired by the musical freedom of several one-man Norwegian projects at that time. When I was a teenager, I deeply admired the elitist attitudes and misanthropic sentiments of these Nordic acts. The aspect that they did not need band mates to share such high musical pathos was something that I considered extremely noble. Since the beginning of my musical inclinations, even if I didn't have the knowledge and the equipment to start a one-man band, I composed music with the mentality of doing it on my own: never needing anyone else to finish a song. For years, I did not practice music or learn guitar techniques, I relentlessly worked on composing music without end.
I obviously anchored myself into that frame of mind for far too long, because even when I started playing in bands I've never been able to avoid my solo oriented will to play. (…) I have always felt to be a one-man band trapped in a band, and although this is not necessarily something I am proud of, I have learned to live with it. In 2008 I came to terms with this aspect of my creative self and started to produce and record music on my own. (…) Beginning Manuscripts Don't Burn is the closing a great circle. This is something that I probably should have embarked on a long time ago but not until recently was I able to give life to. This is not simply another project; this is my altar of illusions. Manuscripts Don't Burn is at the very top of that pyramid of riffs and riffs I started building years back. This band represents all those days playing like a fool in solitude, in a world of elitist creativity. I felt like a damned, misanthropic artist, but in reality I was, and still am, just a lonely guy in a room, with a guitar, a cable and an amp. This is Manuscripts Don't Burn, an instrumental one man band around since '97”
Davide Tiso, September 2010


Mystery Flame


01 - In The Breathing House
02 - Connubium In Solitude
03 - Like A Zephir
04 - When Uriel Shakes The Soil
05 - Invoking Metatron
06 - The Iron Dog Protecting The Sea

EP · 2010 · Avant-garde Metal
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3.5/5 · 2010-10-11
The Breathing House is the debut release by Italian avant garde/ post metal act Manuscripts Don´t Burn. The Breathing House is a 6 track EP. The EP was released in October 2010 by Amaranth Recordings/ Aural Music. Manuscripts Don´t Burn is a one-man project by Ephel Duath mastermind Davide Tiso. Davide Tiso handles everything from playing to recording to mixing and producing on the release.

The music on the EP is a kind of instrumental post rock/ metal with avant garde elements. Lots of open dissonant chords and an adventurous/ unconventional approach to structure. I´ll mention Ved Buens Ende, Virus, Kailash and other bands of their ilk as references. The Breathing House is completely instrumental though. Guitar, bass, drums and that´s it. Knowing the often weird avant garde nature of some of Ephel Duath´s output it´s a bit surprising that The Breathing House is a more "subtle" affaire. Subtle in this sense of the word is not meant as mellow though. The music on The Breathing House is intense and at times harsh, but there are actually very few avant garde elements on the EP. A song like the closing The Iron Dog Protecting The Sea is probably the closest you´ll get to avant garde metal on this release. The rest of the EP is more in a bleak post rock/ metal style yet still adventurous.

The production is well sounding. There´s an authentic feel to the music and sometimes it´s like being in the same room as Davide Tiso.

The Breathing House is an interesting side-project by Davide Tiso. I´m not completely blown away, but yet again the man shows that everything he touches has relevance. His adventurous approach to creating music is admirable. A 3.5 star rating is warranted.