Davide Tiso is an italian musician and composer (now strategically moved to U.S.A.) that always followed his own path into music. Always loyal to his personal commitment. Manuscripts Don't Burn is his last project, chronologically speaking, and basically could even be called as himself, since it's an instrumental one-man band. Claiming this to be the ultimate expression of Davide Tiso's personality in music, 'The Breathing House' (and the project itself) if on one hand is very able to easily show the twisted and complex layers of songwriting, on the other hand it's a rather boring listening. Instrumental albums generally have never been an easy access for their own nature, moreover if the songs are so difficult to be listened and understood (hence to be followed in their flow of notes) you lose a lot of points.
The most pure concept of avantgarde, the most litteral translation in music, sure 'The Breathing House' is maybe technically flawless, but it appears to be a cold clinic patchwork of riffs above riffs, a sort of chimera that, although artificial, has a life. But don't forget that hybrids are sterile, most of the times.

[FONT=&quot]The Breathing House is the debut release by Italian avant garde/ post metal act Manuscripts Don´t Burn. The Breathing House is a 6 track EP. The EP was released in October 2010 by Amaranth Recordings/ Aural Music. Manuscripts Don´t Burn is a one-man project by Ephel Duath mastermind Davide Tiso. Davide Tiso handles everything from playing to recording to mixing and producing on the release.

The music on the EP is a kind of instrumental post rock/ metal with avant garde elements. Lots of open dissonant chords and an adventurous/ unconventional approach to structure. I´ll mention Ved Buens Ende, Virus, Kailash and other bands of their ilk as references. The Breathing House is completely instrumental though. Guitar, bass, drums and that´s it. Knowing the often weird avant garde nature of some of Ephel Duath´s output it´s a bit surprising that The Breathing House is a more "subtle" affaire. Subtle in this sense of the word is not meant as mellow though. The music on The Breathing House is intense and at times harsh, but there are actually very few avant garde elements on the EP. A song like the closing The Iron Dog Protecting The Sea is probably the closest you´ll get to avant garde metal on this release. The rest of the EP is more in a bleak post rock/ metal style yet still adventurous.

The production is well sounding. There´s an authentic feel to the music and sometimes it´s like being in the same room as Davide Tiso.

The Breathing House is an interesting side-project by Davide Tiso. I´m not completely blown away, but yet again the man shows that everything he touches has relevance. His adventurous approach to creating music is admirable. A 3.5 star rating is warranted.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]Manuscripts Don’t Burn is a solo project of Davide Tiso, the brain behind Italian avant-garde experimentalists Ephel Duath. Tiso makes it clear that he’s happier working on his own, or put another way, he‘s less unhappy when he’s working without other people: “I have always felt to be a one-man band trapped in a band”. He is inspired by the musical freedom of one-man Norwegian projects, stating “When I was a teenager, I deeply admired the elitist attitudes and misanthropic sentiments of these Nordic acts”.[/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]The style of “The Breathing House” has a strong affinity with Ephel Duath, which is to be expected. Instead of branching out into Jazz or Hardcore, the truculent tone and deliberate pace which recall “Pain is Necessary to Know” are maintained. There’s a colourlessness and an air of grey, collapsing buildings which evoke a certain type of Black Metal. The feel is more industrial than one of natural surroundings. This off-centre one man campaign is relentless, bleak and melancholic. Tiso doesn’t mess around with fripperies like words. The track titles are suitably obscure: “Connubium in Solitude”, “When Uriel Shakes the Soil”, “Invoking Metatron”, “The Iron Dog Protecting the Sea” and so on.[/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]As this 26 minute works runs anarchically into its second track “Connubium in Solitude”, the gloom rings through like early Darkthrone or Burzum, but why? I’m not sure what he’s trying to achieve. It’s Ephel Duath at its basic and darkest level without the extension into other forms of music. Some parts of the work are more disturbing than others but the relentless guitar-driven onslaught just continues. By the time of “Invoking Metatron”, I’d all but lost interest. The murky and depressing atmosphere never changes. Tiso’s giving it his all but it all seems so isolated. [/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]There’s no listening for pleasure about this. “The Breathing House” is technically sound and indulges the composer’s bleak vision. To suggest that outside influences are needed to enrich this work, as spices might enhance the taste of food, would clearly be self-defeating in Tiso’s eyes. This solo work is one for the purist. As a listener I found it hard to switch in to the composer’s outlook, but then I was probably not supposed to.[/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1] Andrew Doherty [/SIZE][/FONT]

Manuscripts Don't Burn è il progetto solista di Davide Tiso, chitarrista e fondatore dei padovani Ephel Duath. Stando alle informazioni promozionali (quindi derivanti dalla bocca stessa di Davide, presumo) questa idea era nella mente del creatore fin dal lontano '97, e si è concretizzata in tempi attuali solo dopo un'ulteriore presa di decisione, incentivata dalla forte attenzione mediatica verso i solo-project nati ultimamente in Nord Europa. In più, la scintilla è scattata quando il nostro poliedrico compositore si è ritrovato ad ascoltare il lavoro che aveva creato per il solo-project di Karyn Crisis (la cantante dei Crisis, appunto) trovandolo "semplicemente perfetto" anche nella sua mancanza di tracce vocali. Inoltre il promo-sheet ci tiene a precisare che la musica "avantgarde" è di solito « complessa e senza emozioni: con questo The Breathing House, l'ascoltatore prenderà un respiro di sollievo grazie alla percezione immediata di "cuore" e "spirito", che da subito emergeranno dalle note del disco».

Mai peccato di superbia fu più grave.
Quando Davide parla della sua ammirazione verso la libertà compositiva dei solo-project nordici, non si è ben capito a cosa si riferisca. A sangue freddo mi verrebbe da citare l'egoistico eclettismo di Ihsahn; ma è veramente difficile trovare in questo EP un senso compiuto analogo ad un qualsiasi brano del compositore norvegese. La verità è che The Breathing House constata di sei tracce, di non lunga durata e unicamente strumentali, e che la mancanza di vocals appesantisce senza rimedio il risultato finale.
Le influenze citate non sono nemmeno il mathcore jazzistico della band-madre Ephel Duath, ma qualcosa di più contenuto che può trovare nei Virus l'unico esempio perfettamente calzante (esempio norvegese, per giunta). Riff cacofonici e dissonanti e spesso in tempi dispari, creati dal gioco di intreccio delle due chitarre; lo stesso tipo di riff che però i The Secret e i Deathspell Omega sparano al doppio della velocità. Ovviamente qui non si discute sulla capacità tecnica, ma sulla tipologia del messaggio.

Il lettore mi perdonerà la mancanza dell’analisi dettagliata di qualche singolo brano, ma la somiglianza fra questi è tale da non poter fare altrimenti. Oltre al problema della sopportazione del disco (sopportazione per fortuna anche contenuta, visto i 25 minuti di durata), c’è anche quello della finalità dell’opera. Capisco perfettamente la sfrontatezza avanguardistico-sperimentale degli Ephel Duath, che fanno dell'ermetismo emozionale il proprio mezzo di espressione; capisco anche il brutale mathcore (tipo Dillinger Escape Plan o Converge) che comunicano un disagio sociale attraverso il disagio uditivo; infine capisco molto bene (ed apprezzo) anche la volontà sperimentale lanciata in modo pionieristico dagli act nordici come Arcturus, Ved Buens Ende e ripresa in tempi recente dai Virus e dai Dødheimsgard, ma in questi progetti, però, i suoni e gli strumenti risultano convogliati verso precisi e personali mondi espressivi.
In questi bizzarri mondi, riesco anche a comprendere (forse con un retrogusto particolarmente ludico) l'intricato mondo del mathcore/jazzcore nipponico (Rin Toshite Shigure, Midori...), e -tanto per non cambiare nazione e per rimanere sul chitarrista/solista- ho capito anche il messaggio solista di Marty Friedman; ma quello che non riesco proprio a comprendere è il significato di questo The Breathing House.

Questo progetto, andando contro alle volontà promozionali nel non far trapelare ne "heart" ne tantomeno "soul", non è neanche così complesso; mentre invece è sicuramente senza emozioni vere e senza uno scopo finale.
Ri-travisando Bulgakov (visto che la citazione letteraria non è servita molto alla spinta dell'album), questo manoscritto brucia che è una meraviglia e speriamo che all'autore non gli venga in mente di ripescarlo dalla sua memoria.
Consiglio spassionato: "Davide, torna a concentrarti sugli Ephel Duath che te ne siamo veramente grati".[bookreview]=1983

Abgedrehter Instrumentalstoff

Davide Tiso, bekannt von Ephel Duath, hat ein neues Projekt aus der Taufe gehoben. Das nennt sich Manuscripts Don’t Burn, ist sein Ein-Mann-Projekt und legt nun seine Bebüt Mini CD vor. Eins wird schnell klar: „Normal“ ist hier gar nichts. Ist es deshalb auch gut? Naja, es geht. Der Anfang mit „In the breathing house“ ist schon ein wenig zäh. Die Rhythmik ist, wie eigentlich durchgängig auf dem Album, ziemlich abgefahren und uneingängig, harmonische Teile wechseln sich mit regelrecht atonalen Parts ab. Das ändert aber nichts daran, dass der Opener relativ schnell eintönig wird. Ist man hier aber erstmal durchgekommen, trifft man nicht nur auf stärkere, teilweise regelrecht hypnotische Songs – man hat sich in diesen Batzen auch reingehört und kommt mit den abgefahrenen Parts, plötzlichen Breaks, wilden Wechseln und merkwürdigen Harmonien auch besser klar. Denn eines sollte von Anfang an klar sein: Dieses Album ist nicht leicht konsumierbar und braucht seine Eingewöhnungszeit. Dabei weist es durchaus seine Längen auf. Aber auch einige herrlich abgedrehte Momente.

Das düstere, irgendwie mit dem Film „Metropolis“ assoziierbare Invoking Metatron, das mit einer spannenden Mischung aus rauen Blastbeats und ungerader Taktsetzung glänzt, ist einer davon. Ganz klar der düsterste Song des Albums und bei aller Technik hoch emotional. Vergleichbares kann man auch über When Uriel shakes the soil. Hier wird der Abwechslungsreichtum auf die Spitze getrieben, mit dem Ergebnis, dass der Song kaum nach zwei oder drei Durchgängen zu fassen ist, dafür aber bei jedem Durchhören neue Facetten bereithält. Auch die anderen Songs sind stark, halten das Niveau dieser beiden Songs aber nicht ganz. Mit The Iron Dog protecting the sea ist der Ausgang dann relativ gerade und unverschnörkelt.

1. In The Breathing House
2.Connubium In Solitude
3.Like a Zephir
4.When Uriel Shakes The Soil
5.Invoking Metatron
6.The Iron Dog Protecting The Sea

Gesamtspielzeit: 26:34

Fazit: Wer Gesang, Strophen und Hooklines braucht: Pfoten weg! Wer das für überbewertet hält: reinhören!

MANUSCRIPTS DON'T BURN - The Breathing House (MCD, 2010)


A furcsa zenekarnév mögött lényegében egyetlen ember áll, jelesül az avantgarde extrém metalos Ephel Duath gitárosa, Davide Tiso, akire saját bevallása szerint tinédzser korában nagy hatást gyakoroltak az egyszemélyes, elitista kreativitással bíró norvég zenekarok, ugye nem kell neveket mondanom? Ezen inspirációtól fűtve született meg ez a fél órányi játékidővel bíró anyag és aki ismeri mondjuk az anyabanda Through My Dog’s Eyes című tavalyi lemezét, az talán nem fog maga alá csinálni a meglepetéstől, de ez a korong tényleg csak edzett zenehallgatóknak ajánlott.

Magam részéről mindig fenntartással kezeltem az efféle zenéket, sokszor az újszerűség jelzője mögé burkolózva nehezen értelmezhető és nehezen kibogozható lemezekkel bombázzák a hallgatót, csak legyen, aki megérti és befogadja. Nem mondom, akad pár banda, akiket magam is kedvelek. De könyörgöm, miért kell egy olyan lemezt a világra szabadítani, ami elég messze áll az elfogadható produkció szintjétől? Előrebocsátom, az instrumentális jelleggel semmi bajom sincs, sőt, még jobb is így, mintha valami hamiskás énekkel díszítették volna ezt a hat dalt. Bár lehet, hogy csak emelt volna a színvonalon...

Számomra egyszerűen unalmas, a zúzósabb riffek és a különböző disszonáns gitártémák enyhén matekos hatással bíró szimbiózisa talán még értékelhető lenne, ha a demós sound nem hozna le teljesen életkedvemről. Na persze, teszem azt a Burzum korai anyagai sem az überkirály hangzásról voltak híresek, de ott a hangulat nem elhanyagolható szerepet játszott, itt viszont szó sincs erről. Ha pedig tényleg igaz, hogy Davide egyedül játszott fel minden hangszert, akkor javasolnám neki, hogy sürgősen keressen egy dobost, mert ez a pontatlan, ad-hoc jellegű csapkodás sem válik éppen a zene előnyére...

Biztosan bennem van a hiba, hogy képtelen vagyok ezt a zűrzavart értékelni, és talán hülye is vagyok hozzá, de emiatt nem fogom rosszabbul érezni magam. Hallgassa az, aki akarja, én hanyagolni fogom, az tuti. A hatásként megjelölt egyszemélyes norvég bandák poros nyomába se ér...

Manuscripts Don't Burn - The Breathing House (Mini-CD)
Aural Music Group
archiveer onder different metal
Evil Dr. Smith: Een van de meest eigenzinnige snoeshanen in de metalscene is Davide Tiso. Deze Italiaan heeft een aantal uitzonderlijk originele albums gemaakt met Ephel Duath. Startend als een post-black metal band, maar al rap evoluerend tot een volstrekt uniek en niet te classificeren band op Through My Dog’s Eyes’. Ondergetekende heeft grote bewondering voor de moedige inventiviteit van deze man, maar dat betekent nog niet blinde adoratie. Dat blijkt wel uit dit album.

Davide beweert al zijn halve leven rond te lopen met ideeën voor dit album, gebaseerd op die eenmansbandjes uit de Scandinavische black metal scene. Niet zozeer vanwege de stijl muziek of het pyromaantje spelen (voor het fikken de kerk uit), maar de hoge mate van de Do It Yourself (DIY) mentaliteit. En DIY dan ook letterlijk nemen, dus volkomen in je eentje, op het misantropische af. Davide is een einzelgänger, zelfs bij Ephel Duath. Hij noemt zichzelf bij Ephel Duath dan ook een “eenmansband in een band”. In 2009 kwam hij producer Eraldo Bernocchi tegen. Hij leerde Davide de knoppenkneepjes van het vak, zodat Davide dat vervolgens ook in zijn eentje mocht oplossen. Zodoende weet ik alleen van het artwork niet waar dat vandaan komt, en of Davide ook dat aspect van het album zelf in elkaar heeft gebakken.

Davide heeft één grote fout gemaakt. Hij heeft niet goed of niet lang genoeg naar Eraldo geluisterd. De zes instrumentale nummers klinken alsof het in een achterkamertje met bordkartonnen muurtjes is opgenomen. Zelfs de gemiddelde Shrapnel plaat uit de jaren tachtig van die talloze gitaarshredders klinken beter. Daarbij klinken drums en gitaarpartijen overduidelijk van elkaar apart te zijn opgenomen: het klinkt nimmer als een geheel. Waarom, Davide? Opzet? Onmacht? Dat zou de eigenwijsheid voorbij zijn. De opeenstapeling van redelijk technische, staccato riffs ligt grofweg tussen Dysrhythmia en Meshuggah. Het klinkt allemaal redelijk onderhoudend, maar, mede door het ondermaatse geluid, kan het me allemaal eigenlijk weinig schelen. En dat is een verontrustende constatering, aangezien mij Ephel Duath juist heel erg veel kan schelen. Dit EP’tje mag dan als intellectuele instrumetal worden betiteld (zo is de bandnaam een beroemde Russische quote, afkomstig uit Mikhail Bulgakov's boek ‘Master and Margarita’), oor en geest hoeven niet per se het onderspit te delven van het brein. Zeker niet bij een kunstuiting als muziek.

Dit is een album van iemand die het helemaal in zijn eentje heeft gemaakt en het volledig voor zichzelf heeft gemaakt. Als eerbetoon aan én waarschuwing voor “de eenzaamheid van de man en zijn gitaar”. Allemaal prima, maar om dat wereldkundig te maken was niet nodig. Niet deze plaat in ieder geval. Hopelijk is Davide hiermee van zijn egocentrische behoeftes verlost en mogen we ons in de nabije toekomst weer vergassen op spannende ontwikkelingen bij Ephel Duath.

Evil Dr. Smith diagnostiseert: 68/100 (toelichting)

Music: Manuscripts Don't Burn: The Breathing House

Our Take

After Ephel Duath released its newest album Through My Dog’s Eyes in 2009, the band lost all of its members except founder Davide Tiso. Rather than attempting to get a new crew of musicians together immediately, Tiso decided to focus on a musical project he’s been working on sporadically since the late 90’s called Manuscripts Don’t Burn. On his debut EP under this name, The Breathing House, Tiso presents listeners with six tracks of sprawling progressive rock/metal that has some impressive instrumentation early on but ends up becoming a bit repetitive by the end.

Manuscripts Don’t Burn is a purely instrumental project, and as it turns out Davide is quite capable of handling guitar, bass, and drum. Despite the fact that some one man projects find their creators being really good at one particular instrument and then being good enough at the others to throw some compositions together, you can tell that Tiso is comfortable with all three and has tried to make songs that emphasize his strengths on each one. In particular, the guitar and drum work steal the spotlight and are constantly changing tempos but there are a few songs where the bass becomes a lot more prominent and fills the music out a bit more. The best way to describe The Breathing House is as a progressive rock album that occasionally crosses over into the metal realm, but it is worth noting that the ideas here are a bit lighter than some of the more commonly known Ephel Duath arrangements. There are definitely some cool riffs being played throughout the course of the album, but there is one problem that pops up. Tiso seems to get a formula going by the time the second track begins, and once he’s settled into a certain rhythmic pattern it seems as though he follows it for the rest of the EP. At times it seems as though The Burning House could be one long song, as the individual tracks become a little repetitive and blend together.

Don’t get me wrong, I am aware of Davide Tiso’s ability from Ephel Duath’s albums and this does shine through occasionally on The Breathing House. But I can’t help feeling that he may have played it a little safe on this EP as the songs seem to fall into a tried and true pattern by the end. This doesn’t mean that fans of his previous material won’t find some enjoyable elements, but they too may find themselves wanting just a bit more.

Chris Dahlberg

November 06, 2010


Manuscripts Don't Burn - The Breathing House [EP]
Cover von Manuscripts Don't Burn -- The Breathing House [EP]
Band: [Manuscripts Don't Burn bei] Metalnews nach 'Manuscripts Don't Burn' durchsuchen Manuscripts Don't Burn
Album: The Breathing House [EP]
Genre: Experimental, Instrumental
Label: Amaranth Recordings
Bewertung: 5 von 7
Releasedatum: 12.11.10
CD kaufen: 'Manuscripts Don't Burn - The Breathing House [EP]' bei kaufen

"Seltsam, aber ambitioniert"

MANUSCRIPTS DON'T BURN sind die neue One-Man-Band von EPHEL DUATH-Mastermind Davide Tiso. Natürlich hat Davide auch bei EPHEL DUATH das Zepter immer fest in der Hand [und sehr viele Bandmitglieder verschlissen], doch dieses erste Lebenszeichen in Form einer EP stellt das erste Werk dar, dass Davide ohne jegliche fremde Hilfe eingespielt hat.

Natürlich lassen sich auf "The Breathing House" Paralleln zu EPHEL DUATH feststellen, vor allem, was die Gitarrenarbeit angeht, aber das ist natürlich keine Überraschung. Ansonsten wählt Davide bei MANUSCRIPTS DON'T BURN einen ganz anderen Ansatz als bei seiner Hauptband: Die Songs sind allesamt instrumental, sehr vollgepackt und stilistisch schwer einzuordnen. Metal ist das durchaus, progressiv auch - sowohl, was Rhythmik, aber auch die Songstrukuren ansich angeht - und doch hat man noch nichts Vergleichbares gehört. "The Breathing House" hinterlässt auch nach zahlreichen Durchläufen viele Fragezeichen und ist im besten Wortsinn merkwürdig geraten. Die Songs glänzen vor allem dann, wenn leichte Harmonie- und Melodie-Anflüge zu erahnen sind, die aber selten komplett ausgefahren werden. Ansonsten regiert verschachteltes Geriffe samt polternder, sich selten zurückhaltende Drum-Patterns, die sich zu einem Turm aus Musik hochschaukeln und dann irgendwann wieder in sich zusammenfallen. Die wirklichen Höhepunkte sind rar, aber trotzdem versprüht "The Breathing House" eine gewisse Faszination, der man sich kaum entziehen kann.

Interessant ist es in jedem Fall, was sich Herr Tiso da so ausgedacht hat. Man kann darf also durchaus gespannt sein, was MANUSCRIPTS DON'T BURN in Zukunft noch so abliefern werden. Und in der Zwischenzeit grübelt man weiter über "The Breathing House". EPHEL DUATH-Möger hören sich das besser mal an.

01. In The Breathing House
02. Connubium In Solitude
03. Like a Zephir
04. When Uriel Shakes The Soil
05. Invoking Metatron
06. The Iron Dog Protecting The Sea Spielzeit: 00:26:36

Davide Tiso – Instruments, Programming

Michael Siegl [nnnon] | 07.11.2010 | 14:48


MANUSCRIPTS DON’T BURN | The Breathing House
Dietro Manuscripts Don’t Burn si cela Davide Tiso, mastermind degli Ephel Duath, giunto oggi a comporre e realizzare un album in solitaria, forma tangibile di un approccio mentale che ha sempre fatto parte del suo dna e ne ha in qualche modo segnato l’intero percorso artistico.

La possibilità di dar piena realizzazione a questa pulsione si è concretizzata grazie ad un periodo passato nello studio di Eraldo Bernocchi, che, nelle parole dello stesso Tiso, “mi ha preso sotto la sua ala e mi ha insegnato tutto ciò che serviva per realizzare un disco completamente da solo”. I brani, invece, risalgono alle successive fasi di scrittura per il lavoro solista di Karyn Crisis e alla constatazione di come le composizioni non fossero adatte ad affiancare le vocals della cantante, perché perfette nella loro forma strumentale e senza ulteriori aggiunte che ne appesantissero la struttura. Questa - per sommi capi- la genesi di The Breathing House, un lavoro ricco di sfumature e dotato di una spiccata personalità, soprattutto lontano dal classico disco strumentale di estrazione post-rock o post-metal cui siamo ormai assuefatti. Manuscripts Don’t Burn si aggira in libertà nei territori cari al musicista, senza per questo ricalcarne i passi in maniera pedissequa, piuttosto, ci si trova di fronte ad una raccolta di composizioni dalla forte impronta emozionale e dalle radici saldamente piantate nell’avantgarde metal, da cui mutuano l’approccio per tentare di espanderne gli orizzonti. Se proprio si dovessero cercare termini di paragone, si potrebbe tornare con la mente ai primi Ephel Duath o anche agli ultimi Enslaved, con cui The Breathing House sembra condividere un certo mood progressivo. Libera dal dover fare i conti con altre personalità o di dover lasciare spazio alle vocals, la chitarra di Tiso emerge con un piglio ancor più marcato del solito, per nulla intimidita dall’essere l’unica protagonista della rappresentazione, seppure eviti inutili barocchismi o eccessivi sfoggi di tecnica. A volersi spingere oltre e azzardare conclusioni, l’impressione è quella che la solitudine dello studio abbia in qualche modo placato la vis compulsiva che caratterizzava gli Ephel Duath, così da permettere l’emergere di uno stile più coeso e al contempo meno frenetico, seppure non per questo meno ispirato o personale.

A cura di: Michele Giorgi []​
Gruppo: Manuscript's Don't Burn
Titolo: The Breathing House
Label: Amaranth Recordings
Anno: 2010

Progetto solista di Davide Tiso, mente ed ascia degli Ephel Duath, Manuscripts Don't Burn rappresenta un puro esercizio estetico senza capo, nè coda. 'The Breathing House' è un disco assolutamente noioso che non suscita mai interesse se non nella sua linea guida: brani strumentali privi di virtuosismi e concentualmente ipnotici, ma che alla lunga stancano perpetuando un accavallarsi continuo di riff che si perde nei mendri delle stesse composizioni. Nel tentativo di non legarsi a nessuno stile il buon Davide non si lega praticamente a niente, allora ecco un album apparentemente sperimentale, timidamente frutto solo di improvvisazione, e che si riduce ad un pungo di brani gratuitamente prolisso, fastidioso, con due idee trascinate all'infinito che si riciclano in automatico. Suoni scarni, algidi, privi di appeal e linee melodiche ridotte all'osso fanno il resto ed inquadrano il lavoro in una perdita di tempo assoluta. Brutto episodio, davvero. Dispiace essere così categorici, sintetici e spietati, ma 'The Breathing House' è il nulla sotto forma di niente.



Manuscripts Don't Burn - The Breathing House

Amaranth Records (2010)

Lo-fi recordings are a fickle musical mistress. Emotively they are a direct connection between the music and the listener. Stripping back production means that performances can become more nuanced and feel truer, and with fewer takes they probably are. The pitfalls of lo-fi recordings are that the quality of the sound can become jarring and much more attention has to be paid to which instruments receive prominence in the mix. The clear and most present danger of Lo-fi recordings is that they show the true mettle of the music, tears, warts, sweat and all.

The Breathing House is a heavy progressive instrumental metal album that stands before you unalloyed and unashamed. Conventional wisdom would argue strongly for compression and some form of equalisation, but then conventional wisdom would also add lyrics, a dancebeat and a band name that wasn’t an obvious lie. As Davide Tiso, the single mind and body behind this intriguing and worthy release, explains:

The idea was inspired by the musical freedom of several one-man Norwegian projects at that time. When I was a teenager, I deeply admired the elitist attitudes and misanthropic sentiments of these Nordic acts.​

Quite so, pounding drums, complex melodic passage and heavy riffs are shown with a sort of raw democracy that can probably only exist in an instrumental band of one person. Similarly, fans of standard song structures might argue this album away as a talented wank project of a successful guitarist (Ephel Duath) left to his own narcissistic devices. A position not helped by statements such as:

This is not simply another project; this is my altar of illusions.​

But that isn’t it at all. This is quite simply a brilliant and timeless record. That the drums sound like they were recorded with the vocal mic duct taped to a bare light fitting in a bathroom squat, make it better, probably even a classic.

This band represents all those days playing like a fool in solitude, in a world of elitist creativity. I felt like a damned, misanthropic artist, but in reality I was, and still am, just a lonely guy in a room, with a guitar, a cable and an amp.​

And that is in the end how The Breathing House succeeds. Manuscripts Don’t Burn is an overly pretentious name steeped in meaninglessness and bordering on facile cliché while The Breathing House sums up the project perfectly; trapped solitude, a person caught inside themselves working with no hope of gain but for pure creative expression. It seems to me Davide Tiso is such a person, he’s best when he’s honest and the honesty of this record is breathtaking.

The posturing as the lord of illusion, drinking from pewter goblets and studying Crowelyesque summoning sigils is probably best left to Jack Black. David’s understanding of the inherent and self defeating contrivance of metal theatre and the painful reality of being a musician, much less a human, are totally revealed here in each and every second of each and every track. This album captures something rare for both progressive music and metal, gritty kitchen sink honesty and what makes this album work is that David is candid about not really knowing who the fuck he is.

If all you know are illusions how brave is it let them all burn? Who the fuck knows but listening to someone seriously ask that question and properly go through with it makes for crucial and unmissable listening :D,10837/Manuscripts Don't Burn - The Breathing House

De Italiaan Davide Tiso is bij liefhebbers bekend als brein achter de avantgardistische metallers van Ephel Duath. In de loop van de tijd besloot hij eens een eigen project op te zetten. Naar eigen zeggen loopt hij al zijn leven lang rond met muzikale ideeën die hij niet kwijt kon in bestaande bands of projecten. Dit leidt dan tot een eenmansproject genaamd Manuscripts Don't Burn, en een bijbehorende (mini-)cd met de titel The Breathing House, waarop dus alle muziek van Davide's hand is en ook door hemzelf is ingespeeld. Uiteraard is de bedoeling van zo'n project dat de muziek geen grenzen erkent, en diverse uithoeken van het muzikale spectrum verkent. Hoewel Davide met zijn band met als uitgangspunt post black metal al aardig op verkenning is geweest heeft hij nu dus bedacht dat hij het ook allemaal wel alleen afkan. Tot aan de productie en de mix toe heeft hij echt alles alleen gedaan, Do It Yourself mentaliteit ten top. Of dat dan ook leidt tot een fatsoenlijk product, waar dus geen invloed of second opinion van wat of wie dan ook op van toepassing is geweest, is dan ook maar de vraag.

Om maar meteen met de deur in huis te vallen: naar mijn mening is hier het cliché van toepassing van de vraag stellen is 'm beantwoorden. Ik denk dat Davide bij de lessen over hoe muziek op te nemen of te mixen niet helemaal goed heeft opgelet of halverwege is weggelopen. Dat hij als gitarist zijn mannetje staat, lijkt mij buiten kijf. De behoorlijk technische gitaarmuziek wordt prima uitgevoerd over een solide ritmesectie als basis. Dat er geen vocalen aan te pas komen stoort op zich ook nog niet eens. Maar het geluid van de cd is van een bedenkelijk niveau, dat zou in deze tijden toch eigenlijk niet meer nodig hoeven zijn, menig beginnende band komt tegenwoordig met een geluidstechnisch beter product voor de dag. Is het opzet of onkunde, wie zal het zeggen. Feit is dat dit bijna ondermaatse product wel eens het gevolg zou kunnen zijn van een egotrip, terwijl het technische muzikale kunnen en de capaciteiten van Davide Tiso als songschrijver zo veel beter verdienen. Het uitgangspunt van deze cd op zich is namelijk niet slecht en qua muziek ook zeker de moeite waard, maar dan moet je je als luisteraar wel een weg weten te banen door een magere productie.

Manuscripts Don't Burn, op zich is dat een interessante anekdote die je maar eens moet opzoeken op Wikipedia. Het is tevens een band die met The Breathing House een mini uitbrengt. Het is het project van Davide Tiso (Ephel Duath) die hiermee verwijst naar Noorse eenmansprojecten van black metal-muzikanten die plots vreemde creaties begonnen te baren in de jaren negentig. Nu doet hij het dus ook.

Instrumentaal presenteert Davide zich op eigenzinnige wijze, dat is toch de opzet van The Breathing House. Het resultaat is een postrock aandoende sliert muziek met polymetrische riffs. Soms ervaar je een buitenaardse dreiging maar meestal blijft het bij licht verdraaide gitaarmuziek met een onaangeroerd live drumgeluid. Een beetje zoals Vanessa Van Basten, vrijblijvend en gemakkelijk in het gehoor liggend met net voldoende sfeer. Het mist wel geheimzinnigheid en/of vernuft (zoals dat wel het geval is bij "die Noorse eenmansprojecten") om echt indruk te maken. Helaas. Ook de ongrijpbaarheid van Ephel Duath hoor je slechts sporadisch terug, zoals in When Uriel Shakes The Soil. Ik had er inderdaad meer van verwacht.

Manuscripts Don't Burn - The Breathing House Review von Opa Steve vom 18.11.2010 (32 mal gelesen)
Manuskripte brennen nicht. Und was soll mir das nun sagen? Kann Kunst widerstandsfähig genug sein, um gegen ihre Vernichtung immun zu sein? In den Köpfen sicherlich. In ihrer physischen Präsenz aber kaum. Aber es wäre zu schade um solch hochinteressante Klangkreationen wie auf dieser Scheibe, die nun mal nur manifestiert genießbar sind (es sei denn, dieses Projekt würde sich herablassen, Zuschauer live auf diesen Trip mitzunehmen). Auf dieser Scheibe wird auf Gesang völlig verzichtet, dafür führen die Instrumente regelrechte Dialoge und sprechen, unterhalten sich und den Zuhörer, der sich als Gast eines kultivierten Gesprächs in einer völlig unbekannten Sprache wähnt. Ein paar Wortstämme kommen dabei doch bekannt vor - orientalische Meditationsmusik, Jazz, Prog-Metal.... aber alles, was immer wieder vertraut klingt, ist dann doch wieder so fremd, wenn man genau hinhört. MANUSCRIPTS DON'T BURN sprechen ihren ganz eigenen Dialekt in ihren Kompositionen, die einen faszinieren können, aber musikalisch nicht sonderlich belastbare Menschen durchaus auch wahnsinnig machen können ('When Uriel Shakes The Soil' ist streckenweise grenzwertig). Dabei steckt hinter all den wilden Konstruktionen doch ein stetiger ruhiger und eigentlich auch beruhigender Fluß. Wer sich die Zeit nimmt, die Ecken und Kanten oder auch die vordergründigen Dissonanzen hinter sich zu lassen, kann mit diesem Album ganz tief in die dritte Dimension eintauchen - wie bei einem Stereogramm, dessen Betrachtungstechnik man auch erst einmal erlernen muss. Kopfhörer ist Pflicht, bloßes "Reinhören" zwecklos.

Gesamtwertung: 8.5 Punkte

Manuscripts Don't Burn: The Breathing House

It's Breathing, but Not Fully Alive
The Breathing House is one of those releases that's really hard for me to assess. Though the quality is high, the musicianship is amazing, and the songwriting clearly took tons of effort, the music simply leaves me cold. Not because it's bad; quite the contrary, actually. It just fails to speak to me in any way. Maybe it's the bleak, dreary post rock/metal instrumentation used throughout the entire EP, or maybe it's the dull production. No matter the cause for my dissatisfaction, Manuscripts Don't Burn's debut EP is pretty monotonous for me. It's really a shame that my own personal preferences don't allow me to enjoy The Breathing House, because there surely is great music to be found here. Unfortunately, the lack of instrumental and compositional variation, as well as a somewhat dull production leaves me with a lukewarm experience.
Manuscripts Don't Burn is a one-man project from Davide Tiso of Ephel Duath. The Breathing House is much calmer than Ephel Duath's music, even though there are still a lot of avant garde and experimental tendencies on the album. The music here is completely instrumental, played in a post metal style. It's not my favorite thing to listen to, but Davide Tiso does a solid job. My biggest issue throughout this entire EP is the lack of variation. Though there are variations of riffs and tempo, almost the entire course of the EP consists of 3 instruments (guitar, bass, and drums) played in a heavy, avant-garde style. I may be somewhat biased due to my general lack of interest in post metal, but I think fans of the genre may have this complaint as well. Again, it's really a shame because there is some great music on The Breathing House. The final track, "The Iron Dog Protecting the Sea" is especially noteworthy. Despite my general lack of affection for the music, Davide Tiso's talents as a musician are far from ignorable. His guitar skills usually take the cake, but there are also quite a few terrific drum parts as well.
The production is a bit of a problem. Though some people may enjoy the raw, unpolished nature of this EP, it doesn't appeal to me. It's monotonous in my opinion, and actually is part of the reason why I feel there's a lack of variation on The Breathing House. It's all an acquired taste, though.
The Breathing House is an adequate debut EP by Manuscripts Don't Burn, but judging by Davide's other works, I can't help but feel slightly disappointed. This isn't an easy EP to listen to, and I guess that was his intent here. Though the quality, especially the musicianship, is generally great, it fails to really capture me as a listener. If you like Davide Tiso's other works, this is worth a shot, but I recommend approaching The Breathing House with caution. The rather weak production, lack of variation, and somewhat lackluster personality means I can't give this EP more than 2.5 stars. Although it's clear that Davide put his heart and soul into this record, it really leaves me cold. Hopefully I'll be able to enjoy future releases from Manuscripts Don't Burn. Davide Tiso clearly has the chops to make a great album under this pseudonym.

Track Listing
1. In The Breathing House
2. Connubium In Solitude
3. Like a Zephir
4. When Uriel Shakes The Soil
5. Invoking Metatron
6. The Iron Dog Protecting The Sea
Added: November 19th 2010
Reviewer: Jeff B