Mapex Saturn Kick 20x20

I had a drummer in the other day with a new kit small Mapex Saturn walnut. The kick sounded so freaking fantastic had to sample it! It also made me think that smaller kicks are way better for metal because you don't have that huge low end that bigger kicks have there for are a lot cleaner and tighter when playing fast kick parts. ANYWAYS

Here is the download link for the sample .WAV and .TCI Mapex Saturn

His band is here

My Studio is here

very nice slap with a huge but very tight low end.

Recording Chain was
Close Mic
RE20 - PRE73+EQ - API525 only running through the circuitry- Lindell Pultec

Royer 121 Blumlein - board pre's - 1176

U87- LA610 with some compression and eq

M160 - Helios69 - Distressor
Nice dude. Really appreciate you've put all the mics in there instead of only close mics.
Stayed up all damn night to figure out how to do the output routing on this script haha. Nearly perfect. Opens a little incorrectly.
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