Maps: Norway vs Sweden


God of Thunder
Apr 1, 2005
near KC

"I was quite troubled to realize today that I couldn’t list ten major differences between Sweden and Norway."

Could also have something to do with the fact that the Swedes let Hitler march through to Norway--that's been a particularly sore subject over recent years, according to some Swedes I know (that I'm not married to). :b Norway was an occupied country during WWII--something that's probably not easy to forget.

They seem like siblings or cousins who have that family rivalry thing going on to me (you know the languages are mutually intelligible, almost like 2 dialects of one language, sorta), but I haven't really known many Norwegians. *shrug* I honestly don't think it's a serious "hate" thing on either side. Hell, I rode back from the first Marillion convention to London with a group of Norwegians and my Swedish friend.
i love the little gamers reference. definitely a top tier web comic, and my 3rd favorite swedish export (behind metal and vodka).