MARCEL COENEN release party info + new endorsement


veteran headbanger \m/
Jan 3, 2002
Regina, SK, Canada
Hello all

I have more news for you all.

Another new endorsement for Marcel Coenen

I recently also got endorsed by Curt Mangan guitar strings. These strings
are absolutely killer in sound and playability. Look at the website of the
company for more info:

CD Release Party, more info

At saturday January 28th, 2006, I will present my CD to all of you in de
Bosuil ( ) in Weert (The Netherlands).

This will be a very special evening !

The whole "Colour Journey" CD will be performed live with almost ALL
musicians who play on the album, this means:

Roel Van Helden (Sun Caged), Spike (Stormrider), Hans In T Zandt (Parris,
Time Machine, Cooper Inc) - Drums
Maurice Brouwers (Engine Of Pain), Richard Ritterbeeks (Henk Westbroek, Time
Machine) - Bass
Rene Kroon (Sun Caged), Colleen Gray (Persephone's Dream) - Keyboards and
Colleen Gray (Persephone's Dream), Joyce Dijkgraaf (Elleannore), Mike
Andersson (Cloudscape), Paul Villarreal (Sun Caged), Menno Corbeek, Dennis
Schreurs (Severe Torture), Hans Reinders (Exit 22): Vocals
Frank Schiphorst (Symmetry), and ofcourse myself: Guitars

The set will contain of all songs from "Colour Journey" and some songs from
the debut album "Guitartalk".

The whole concert will be filmed with 6 camera's for a future DVD release !
The Dutch company LowLifeMedia ( ) will be
responsible for the filming, editting and compiling of the DVD. Martin
Verberk will record the show in 32 tracks digital for future audio mixing.

As support act the amazing Colleen Gray ( ) will
perform a solo set right before my gig, this will be her first show ever
outside of the USA, don't miss this one ! Colleen will show you her amazing
talent in both performing vocal and piano wise as in songwriting.

De Bosuil has to be full this evening, so I hope all of you will try to come
to this one time gig and be a part of the future DVD.

More news about how to get your tickets for this show soon.


Marcel Coenen