Marcelo Cabuli to sue Nightwish?

Well it may not have been that it took him so long to read it, but that lawsuits take time to prepare, etc.
Well it may not have been that it took him so long to read it, but that lawsuits take time to prepare, etc.

Not the case here, i am afraid, he and his wife had to read it first before they allowed it to be published, if I remember correctly
How does that have anything to do with what I just said?

You said "It may have taken him that long to read it" and my responsd was "not the case here he and is wife had to read it before they allowed it to be published". I do believe that what i said has everything to do with what you said. As far as the time to file a lawsuit, well the book was released in early 2007, so maybe he did need the time to figure out what lies and deceit he was going to put in the lawsuit. He had to make sure he told the same lies he told years ago.
You said "It may have taken him that long to read it" and my responsd was "not the case here he and is wife had to read it before they allowed it to be published". I do believe that what i said has everything to do with what you said. As far as the time to file a lawsuit, well the book was released in early 2007, so maybe he did need the time to figure out what lies and deceit he was going to put in the lawsuit. He had to make sure he told the same lies he told years ago.

No; OP asked "Did it take him this long to read the book?" I replied saying essentially: No. It's more than likely that it took him this long to get the lawsuit going though because these things don't just happen overnight.

So again, what?
Marcelo Cabuli seems to be a real "snake in the grass" for sure! What Tarja ever saw or sees in this guy is beyond me.

He's like one of those kids during your school days that you just want to meet after school to wear his ass out. :lol:

No; OP asked "Did it take him this long to read the book?" I replied saying essentially: No. It's more than likely that it took him this long to get the lawsuit going though because these things don't just happen overnight.

So again, what?

Opps, went back and reread the thread, sorry I misread your first response.

To be honest, Marcelo, read the book before it came out, and why he is waiting this long to file a lawsuit, well in my opinion he is just a douchebag who thinks the music world revolves around him, and #2 He is so full of deceit and lies, and mis-information it is unreal.

I don't know why it took him so long to file this suit, maybe he is just trying to make Nightwish's life miserable at every turn.
I don't think he even intends to win the lawsuit. I think he's making a statement by filing it. Partly to try to lessen any of the negative statements about his wife in the interest of her career, and to cause anxiety for the remaining band members. There may also be more to follow if anything else changes with the band's lineup. A little far fetched but not to be discounted.
I smell a promotional stunt. He sues them, they go to court, they come to an agreement (which they might have already), and then Tarja is back with the boys for the next album. And the festivals pay at least triple for the band, and everyone - especially Marcelo - is happy...
If he really wanted to sue the band or whomever because of the book, he should and could have done it long time ago.
I smell a promotional stunt. He sues them, they go to court, they come to an agreement (which they might have already), and then Tarja is back with the boys for the next album. And the festivals pay at least triple for the band, and everyone - especially Marcelo - is happy...
If he really wanted to sue the band or whomever because of the book, he should and could have done it long time ago.

Hmmmmmm very interesting, this is something to watch, and follow.
I smell a promotional stunt. He sues them, they go to court, they come to an agreement (which they might have already), and then Tarja is back with the boys for the next album. And the festivals pay at least triple for the band, and everyone - especially Marcelo - is happy...
If he really wanted to sue the band or whomever because of the book, he should and could have done it long time ago.
Yea, this or some variation there of was what I was alluding to. Watch and see. This is not "just" about a lawsuit over a supposedly slanderous book.
Perhaps I'm missing something, but why would the band want Tarja back at this point? Other than Tarja splitting from Marcelo and apologizing for what the band saw as the reasons for the split, there doesn't seem to be a very good reason to have her back in the band. Money is the obvious reason but considering the letter that fired her cited greed as one of the key elements, wouldn't that make the band look rather hypocritical?

I'm not trying to criticize either way, I'm not a big Nightwish fan and don't really care who's singing, but it seems like a pretty big reach to go from Marcelo suing the publisher and author to Tarja rejoining the band.
Mr Cabuli is nor suing Nightwish neither anyone related to the band or the management. The book first came out in Finnish in May 2006 and two lawsuits were filed against the author of the book Mape Ollila and the Finnish publishing house Like Kustannus OY at the end of the same year, about three years ago, so this is not a scheduled stunt, I'm afraid. These things take their time when flowing through the juridical machinery, especially when they are civil charges and seem to be of lesser common importance. The court date has yet to be set, but obviously it'll be somerime in Jan- Feb next year.