march hare release?


Aug 26, 2009
Ive searched everywhere for some sort of notification of when march hare will release all their album.
Maybe im out of the loop but could someone tell me when they plan to release their album.
Ive searched everywhere for an answer.
Hey thanks for the interest! Oh man, I want to get this album out so bad it hurts. In the past, my problem was getting involved in doing too many mixes for one song. Now my problem is finding time to even sit at my computer at all. I'm working full-time, just bought a new house, trying to sell the old house, and then we've got our 2 young little kids to take care of at night. So basically any mixing time I get is a little here and there on weekends. The end really is near, however, I just don't know how long it will take. I'm dying to finish it though because we've got a tone of new ideas half thrown together for the NEXT album! That one will be released next century. Thanks again for the interest though, that made my day!
Matt - I thought you were in school over in Vegas or something like that. you mean you're married with children - going to school - and dabbling in real estate as well??
Good Lawd! I thought my life was busy!
Matt - I thought you were in school over in Vegas or something like that. you mean you're married with children - going to school - and dabbling in real estate as well??
Good Lawd! I thought my life was busy!

Still in Las Vegas, I just finished up a 2nd degree last year and and now back to work as a functioning member of society. I've been married since 2003, so that's not news but I did have kids in 2007 and 2009. Life is indeed busy!
I am embarrassed that I did not know that.
Well: Happy (belated) Marriage and Fatherhood-dom!
I've got (4) and been married for (13) years .... just letting you know in case you ever need a empathetic ear or whatnot!
But I gotta say - other than my health being crap - I am happier than a fat girl in a candy store!
Thats cool dude i can understand how hard it would be to finish everything up.
I would legit kill someone to get my hands on the finished product.
Cant wait for the release!!!
I am embarrassed that I did not know that.
Well: Happy (belated) Marriage and Fatherhood-dom!
I've got (4) and been married for (13) years .... just letting you know in case you ever need a empathetic ear or whatnot!
But I gotta say - other than my health being crap - I am happier than a fat girl in a candy store!

Wow, 13 years. Congrats man, I'm glad to hear you're enjoying it. I hope the health complications you brought up aren't too serious.
Totally man. I can't wait to hear your record. Been a long time coming, and I remember you auditioning all kinds of new samples, guitar tones etc. on these tracks for years now.

If you need to take a load off with the mastering or any aspect of the production to make your life easier, feel free to drop me a line. I'd only be too happy.
I've asked this question again before in another thread but didn't get an are you planning to release this album? by yourselves? though a label? in downloadable mp3s?
yeah matt! my guitar player loves your stuff too! yesterday he got a call on his iphone - and it played "clouds at four" ! ;-) very excited!