march hare release?

Totally man. I can't wait to hear your record. Been a long time coming, and I remember you auditioning all kinds of new samples, guitar tones etc. on these tracks for years now.

If you need to take a load off with the mastering or any aspect of the production to make your life easier, feel free to drop me a line. I'd only be too happy.

Yep, its been a ridiculously long time, but it will eventually materialize. That's very nice of you to offer your help on the mastering/production as well, Ermz. I may need your help when I get closer to the finish line!
Showing my support here too. Matt you are a fucking genious!

Seriously, that is too kind. Thank you so much!

I've asked this question again before in another thread but didn't get an are you planning to release this album? by yourselves? though a label? in downloadable mp3s?

We plan to release this ourselves in downloadable format.

Yeah, some of the best music on this forum :rock:

Good luck!

Thanks man!

yeah matt! my guitar player loves your stuff too! yesterday he got a call on his iphone - and it played "clouds at four" ! ;-) very excited!

Thanks dcb! If nothing else, I get a thrill just knowing that there's guys half-way around the world that are listening to my music. That is such a trip to me.
It also hinges on Matt sending me the track for one of the songs, dammit!!!!!........Oh yeah and I have to finish vox for another song too. Hopefully we can get WDS out in 2010