Marduk - Plague Angel


Jun 25, 2002
Damn, I've never been really into Marduk's work either on record or live, but this album is a killer. The line-up has changed and in my opinion that really sounds here. Killer stuff, get this!!! New vocalist Mortuus (Arioch from Funeral Mist) sound great here.

Oh, and if any guys from Fab5 or your gay-oriented friends come by, you can always show them this PINK vinyl :loco:
Oh . . . I didn't know the singer from Funeral Mist is now with Marduk. I might have to check this out.

Terrorizer gave this album "Album of the Month", with a score of 8/10.
I don't think you have to J, to my ears that latest album was the same same boring blast fest as the previous ones, only the vocalist was a bit more interesting.
And as I've said before: La Grande Danse Macabre is greatly underrated and not all brain dead speed, I even find the lyrics a bit less stupid, with the obvious exception of "Jesus Christ Sodomized" :tickled: