Marijuana - Acceptable or Unacceptable?

Is the use of Marijuana as a recreational drug acceptable or not?

  • Yes, I support the use of recreational marijuana.

    Votes: 25 71.4%
  • No, I do not support the use of recreational marijuana.

    Votes: 8 22.9%
  • I need more information to make a deicision.

    Votes: 2 5.7%

  • Total voters
I don't really care for what it does to people, but I guess it's up to the individual.
BasilisK 3 7 77 said:
It's a point-of-view question, so both of our answers are strictly opinion. I've seen first-hand more cases than I'd like of marijuana destroying a person (or death), which you obviously haven't, or perhaps you just don't give a shit about your friends.

Reply to C): You can throw that metaphor right back to wherever the hell you got it from. What people say (metal lyrics) and what people do (marijuana) are to completely different things.

Reply to D), first sentence: All I have to say is fuck you. That's a hell of a thing to say to someone you don't know and know nothing about, or what their experiences have been with marijuana. To the rest of D): That can go back to the "swing and a miss" pile from C). If you serously think that marijuana is no more dangerous than "a glass of water" or "walking outside", then you're obviously an avid user and are having trouble thinking clearly throught the bong resin caked inside your head.

Well, I had hoped to come back to UM and just have fun posting and meeting people, but there's always somebody who's going to attack you without being provoked and throw it into a fight. Pretty sad. If there's one thing I can't stand, it's people who think their opinions are fact, and will argue their point by way of brainless flaming/insults, or trying to get into an "IQ" war and try and belittle the other persons intellegence to make themselves feel smarter.

I'm done with this thread. It's impossible for a group to give political opinions without a fight. Feel free to reply to this if you want with more insults, flaming, whatever you want. You won't be getting a reply, because it's plainly obvious by your first post alone that we're not going to come to any type of understanding on this subject, and firing back and forth is just going to be a waste of time. You cut-and-paste statistics for your argument (which is fine), I use personal experiences (equally fine).

I apoligize to the rest of the folks who have to have our petty disagreement right in their face when they come to discuss this, and I'm sorry the whole incident had to happen. I didn't expect a reply like that to my simple answer. This whole thing just sucks...

EDIT: I just realized that you're the one who STARTED THIS THREAD ASKING PEOPLE FOR THEIR OPINIONS FOR YOUR RESEARCH.... The fucking irony... Did you really ask for opinions for some type of research, or did you just want to start an argument in the first place? (note: Don't answer that, I really don't care, just "thinking out loud", so to speak...)
I never once stated my intention to not break up the fallacies. You posted what I wanted/needed and I thank you for that, but you're using anecdotal evidence that cannot be proven compared to thirty years of scientific marijuana study. I simply point that out. In no way, shape, or form did I come out calling you ignorant or belittling you in any such way as you have obviously deemed necessary for me in your reply. Glamourizing the post does not put you in the right.

I support your right to not smoke marijuana, to not be around it, hell, to not even like that the plant exists. But when you post incorrect information, what do you expect? To let an advocate of legalization let it slide?

As for that last comment of mine, the chances of dying from a parasite in water compared to overdosing on marijuana... the parasite wins. The chances of falling and breaking your neck walking outside are greater than overdosing on marijuana. If for some reason you do decide to reply, or anyone wanting to refute my claims, please do so in a PM. It's unnecessary to continue using this thread. I realize I should have sent my message directly to you, but it's too late now.

Just a few more statistics for those interested. The ratio for delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol overdose is 1:40,000 compared to alcohol's 1:10.
Sonnenritter said:
Just a few more statistics for those interested. The ratio for delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol overdose is 1:40,000 compared to alcohol's 1:10.

What does that mean? 40,000 times the THC from one joint?
ShroudOfDusk said:
Australia... Netherlands... who would've known they were different countries?

Not all Australia you sucker, Just Canberra.

Can you buy xxx porn and fireworks? didn't think so :)

Now go drink one of those fucking massive 2 litre stubbies of NT bitter.
lord667 said:
What does that mean? 40,000 times the THC from one joint?
No, I think it means that 40.000 times the dose that gets you high, gets you killed. Ive heard the ratio was only 1:1800 though.

Anyway, I dont think it's that harmless though. Ive had really odd experiences with it, but I think that everybody should at least have the possibility to try it out. And saying it's more harmful than alcohol is bullshit imo.
lord667 said:
What does that mean? 40,000 times the THC from one joint?
In laymans terms, it means that you would have to smoke 40,000 .9 gram marijuana cigarettes to achieve a lethal response. Approximately 1,500 pounds of marijuana within a fifteen minute time period would be needed to produce any lethal effect and if you can smoke that much in fifteen minutes, you're God.

Edit: Even at 1:1800, that's still high enough to not present any danger. Even for someone smoking a joint every five minutes.
yall need to get high so u can relax shesh over workin my mind ....sheesh ouch....moo...roar....cant think no but thc is like the thing that gets u high....tasha do urself u left me when i needed u most....sheesh
Explosive_Pyro said:
yall need to get high so u can relax shesh over workin my mind ....sheesh ouch....moo...roar....cant think no but thc is like the thing that gets u high....tasha do urself u left me when i needed u most....sheesh

Sonnenritter said:
Edit: Even at 1:1800, that's still high enough to not present any danger. Even for someone smoking a joint every five minutes.
Nobody was talking about THAT sort of danger, silly!
Seraphim Belial said:
i was led to believe that "weed" blocks certain receptors of the brain which may stay permanetly blocked. frankly i dont care if people smoke it, i just dont want to be near the stuff.

and when my kids come into the world, and if they try it - i am going to beat their asses!

agreed. :)
If people want to smoke weed, ciggarettes then let them...its their lives...i'd just really like it if people didnt smoke around me, now THAT pisses me off.
Marijuana shouldn't be legalized. Laws (and thus goverment) are made to protect people against harm, from others and sometimes theirselvers.

Most people who smoke pot end up fine in the wrong one, but what about the 5% who get really fucked up because of it? If everyone in America smoked pot, that would mean 13 million screwed - up stoners.

First of all, marijuana damages yourself. It screws up your lungs and can permanantly damage nerves. In the short term, its relatively innocuous, but its a universally accepted in medicine that marijuana will damage stuff. While it could be argued that everyone should be able to chose for themselves whether or not they want to screw themselves over, people make stupid decisions because of drunkenness, problems in their life, pressure, ignorance, and plain lack of common sense. With laws in place, the chance that someone will become a heavy druggy are cut.

Second of all, its plainly a danger to other people. In the US, there's already a massive drunken - driving problem that contributes to something like 2/3 of auto deaths in the US. Legalizing pot would undoubtedly increase its usage, and because weed has a signifantly more powerful high than alchohol, I doubt that the lack of being a "big deal" would outshadow the increased usage. Also, the more and more powerful legally obtainable substances on the market, the more theft and homicide there is gonna be in order to get drug money. That's bad.

Thirdly, its a danger to society. People on drugs tend not to be lazy, forgetful, and not overly smart. The fewer the number of hardworking, intelligent people in a society, the lower the value of the society. You lose GDP and literacy, which means less income for people, so you have a poorer country. Anyone who's taken economics can understand what I'm talking about.

I also think smoking in public should be banned. It's worse than soft drugs.
Soulburner said:
I think that not only marijuana but all drugs should be legalized, even the hardest ones... if anyone want to use them, no laws can stop him... and if anyone doesn't want to use drugs, legalization won't make him use it.

Yeah i completly agree. It is a persons own choice and body why make it so bad? I think that they should save the jail space for murders, rapest and others like that.. I will never stop doing drugs becase it is something that i enjoy.. and i have never stolen or harmed any one ever when high or trying to buy.. whice is a common sterio type. and that these people are low lifes.. :err:

And right now this hits really close to hme so to say too. becase some one i love will be going to prison for a year and a day soon :cry: and i am partly to blame for it and all becase the cops are pices of sh8t and harased me and a friend for 4 hours straight when we were high as hell and hadn't slept in 4 days. i wont go into the rest of that but it hurts my bad inside and he dont even know the half how sad i am for this and he has 2 gorgous babys he has to leave as well..
Well, I'm still not sure what my stance is on this. I'm fine with just me, my music, and my guitar, so I don't ever plan on using drugs or alcohol. I'm not quite sure what my position is on legalization. With alcohol, I partially hate it for reasons such as venues being 21+ because of alcohol and with being at concerts and seeing these drunk people staggering around. Having never been in this state, I don't know exactly what your perception of music is at this state, but it seems disrespectful to the band to me, that you have to be drunk to have a good time at the show.

All drugs have different effects on different people, so I'm not sure. I guess I don't have a problem with people using marijuana or alcohol, but I don't want to be around some drunk person staggering around at a concert. I've never been around people who have been using marijuana, so I'm not sure on that. But it annoyed me at a concert I went to where someone onstage was like "smoke pot" repeatedly. Maybe something like cigarettes. It would be legalized, but not in public places. But the point someone else made about the issue of driving and such added, I'm just not sure...
AlphaTemplar said:
Marijuana shouldn't be legalized. Laws (and thus goverment) are made to protect people against harm, from others and sometimes theirselvers.

Most people who smoke pot end up fine in the wrong one, but what about the 5% who get really fucked up because of it? If everyone in America smoked pot, that would mean 13 million screwed - up stoners.

First of all, marijuana damages yourself. It screws up your lungs and can permanantly damage nerves. In the short term, its relatively innocuous, but its a universally accepted in medicine that marijuana will damage stuff. While it could be argued that everyone should be able to chose for themselves whether or not they want to screw themselves over, people make stupid decisions because of drunkenness, problems in their life, pressure, ignorance, and plain lack of common sense. With laws in place, the chance that someone will become a heavy druggy are cut.

Second of all, its plainly a danger to other people. In the US, there's already a massive drunken - driving problem that contributes to something like 2/3 of auto deaths in the US. Legalizing pot would undoubtedly increase its usage, and because weed has a signifantly more powerful high than alchohol, I doubt that the lack of being a "big deal" would outshadow the increased usage. Also, the more and more powerful legally obtainable substances on the market, the more theft and homicide there is gonna be in order to get drug money. That's bad.

Thirdly, its a danger to society. People on drugs tend not to be lazy, forgetful, and not overly smart. The fewer the number of hardworking, intelligent people in a society, the lower the value of the society. You lose GDP and literacy, which means less income for people, so you have a poorer country. Anyone who's taken economics can understand what I'm talking about.

I also think smoking in public should be banned. It's worse than soft drugs.
In short, I agree with a large part of that.

EDIT: I'm not going to type out a long response as to why because political discussions end up going nowhere, but I could elaborate on quite a few of those points as to why, in my personal opinion which is not fact, it should not be legalized.