Mark Bass has a new endorser!


evangelist of Threshold
Mar 2, 2002
Rome, Italy
Unfortunately it is not me :D but our beloved Steve Anderson!

Threshold bassist Steve Anderson has signed an endorsement deal with Markbass. Commented Steve, 'I'm so pleased to be a new member of the Markbass family. I gave my new rig a thorough test out on the Essence of Progression tour and am now a firm Markbass devotee! Incredible clarity of sound through all the frequencies, immense power and fantastic light weight portability, what more can you ask for! Markbass is a real pleasure to play through.'


Steve is pictured above with the Little Mark 800 amplifier and the Standard 410HF speaker cabinet.

I'm a happy Mark Bass user, too, and I definitely confirm that the sound is absolutely brilliand and, above all, it's probably the lightest amp you'll happen to lift! I use an old series Little Mark head and a 610F Cabinet (you can see both in the pic below) and I usually don't need help to load it on my car!
