Mark De Vattimo leaves VOYAGER!

Official statement from the mind of Mark De Vattimo

After nearly ten years with Voyager, I have decided to quit. I’ve enjoyed the mad, mental Metal times and gigs that have been played by the band during this time. I have not enjoyed the low times as much, obviously.

The reasons are not the typical clichéd ‘musical differences’ type deal… they are personal and professional differences. People change, attitudes evolve/devolve and things aren’t always what they seem.

It’s time for me to move on!

I have other projects happening such as the reformation and ‘upgrading’ of Psychonaut, a Black Sabbath band called Sabotage (we’re available for funerals/weddings too!) as well as the WeakDesignCo which specializes in graphics for bands etc ( Cheap plug!

I wish the remaining V members the best for their future and thank them for the past.

A huge handshake to Cindy Bird, DVS and Dockyard 1… and to YOU for your support and loyalty! See you soon.


Mark De Vattimo