Overlorde announces that guitarist Mark "M.E." Edwards will represent Overlorde for an official MEET AND GREET session with fans during PROGPOWER USA VI metalfest in Atlanta, Georgia. M.E. will be the guest of THE END RECORDS on Saturday, September 17th. Fans can get full sized Overlorde promo posters signed by M.E. and can also pick up the bands highly praised Sonic Age Records debut CD titled RETURN OF THE SNOW GIANT. Including the new vinyl gatefold edition!
Signs will be posted at the festival starting Friday, Sept 16th, announcing the exact time of the MEET AND GREET.
M.E. will also have copies of his solo release G.W.A. (GUITAR WITH ATTITUDE) for sale. To learn more about this Joe Satriani style release, visit www.meflyingv.com
" an hour-long epic ode to all that is and ever was heavy metal." -Quote from Sue Nolz' upcoming review of Overlorde's RETURN OF THE SNOW GIANT in the November 2005 issue of Metal Maniacs
Note: Members of the Metal Media that may be attending the festival and would like to arrange an interview with M.E. during the fest, please make arrangements in advance by contacting ovrlrde@aol.com

Signs will be posted at the festival starting Friday, Sept 16th, announcing the exact time of the MEET AND GREET.
M.E. will also have copies of his solo release G.W.A. (GUITAR WITH ATTITUDE) for sale. To learn more about this Joe Satriani style release, visit www.meflyingv.com
" an hour-long epic ode to all that is and ever was heavy metal." -Quote from Sue Nolz' upcoming review of Overlorde's RETURN OF THE SNOW GIANT in the November 2005 issue of Metal Maniacs
Note: Members of the Metal Media that may be attending the festival and would like to arrange an interview with M.E. during the fest, please make arrangements in advance by contacting ovrlrde@aol.com