Mark Edwards of Overlorde attending PPUSA VI

Rider of Theli

The Hellequin
Mar 1, 2004
Hiram, Ga
Overlorde announces that guitarist Mark "M.E." Edwards will represent Overlorde for an official MEET AND GREET session with fans during PROGPOWER USA VI metalfest in Atlanta, Georgia. M.E. will be the guest of THE END RECORDS on Saturday, September 17th. Fans can get full sized Overlorde promo posters signed by M.E. and can also pick up the bands highly praised Sonic Age Records debut CD titled RETURN OF THE SNOW GIANT. Including the new vinyl gatefold edition!

Signs will be posted at the festival starting Friday, Sept 16th, announcing the exact time of the MEET AND GREET.

M.E. will also have copies of his solo release G.W.A. (GUITAR WITH ATTITUDE) for sale. To learn more about this Joe Satriani style release, visit

"…an hour-long epic ode to all that is and ever was heavy metal." -Quote from Sue Nolz' upcoming review of Overlorde's RETURN OF THE SNOW GIANT in the November 2005 issue of Metal Maniacs

Note: Members of the Metal Media that may be attending the festival and would like to arrange an interview with M.E. during the fest, please make arrangements in advance by contacting

yes, I had Mark talked into coming down here since March. But he wanted to make an official announcement first through Sonic Age Records and set something up with The End for a signing session. Woot!


Also, some other recent news concerning Overlorde:

Overlorde announces the launch of its MySpace Music page at! Guitarist Mark "M.E." Edwards explained the importance of this:

"The metal community has really flourished at MySpace. Especially the American fans. We just recently became aware of MySpace Music, which allows bands to post songs and interact in a positive way with fans. It really is a great place to bring the bands and fans together, and I think its going to go a long way in rejuvenating the classic/heavy/power metal scene here in the states. The response has already been great. The page has only been up for about 10 days and we have already hooked up with over 500 new fans!"

The site is found at Anyone who already has a MySpace profile is invited to send an ADD FRIEND REQUEST to the band. For everyone else, you don't need to be registered to check it out but it is required to access all sections of the Overlorde page. Registration is free.

"People visiting the site will find some cool things and surprises on our MySpace Music page in the coming weeks". Edwards explained. "And right now there is information regarding a contest to win free shirts and posters. You can also post to a blog wishing some of Overlorde's band members a happy birthday. If anyone out there likes what he or she sees, be sure to tell all your other MySpace friends! See you there!"
junnie from the east said:
i already listed their CD on my purchase list. thank you for the info!

:wave: Yes, Junnie, if you liked what you've heard from samples, I promise the album will blow you away! And are you planning to attend PPUSA this year? I hope to be able to meet you and thank you for the support of this excellent heavy metal band!


I finally took the time to put together my own 'MySpace' page:

and also check out the page by the.lost.hatter (my son):

then look for us both at the ProgPowerUSA show, probably hanging around with Mark Edwards quite often, or else I'll be following any Therion members around like a lost puppy. Anyone (Therion fans especially) be sure to seek me out and we'll chat in between sets.
