Mark is flying all the premium members to England for a board meeting

Dear Saturnix:

I do not pay $15.00 a year, make far less pointful posts than Xfer, and as for my sig...


and I somehow fit in around here.

Which leads me to ask... is it "spam" if a person posts mostly within their community on UM which values and/or appreciates what they are doing? Isn't it more the outsider who comes in and tells us to adhere to the standards of THEIR favorite places who "spams?"

Not only is Saturnix the smartest ever when it comes to tr00 art and higher thinking, he's also incredibly mature, as evident from this piss-poor holier-than-thou slagfest.
saturnix said:
Yes, that's right, I have the mentality of a prepubescent because I take issue with spamming, disruptive posters :rolleyes: I love your logic.

Spamming = the norm for this board. Therefore, you are the disruptive one.