Marrying a robot and having a fake baby


Dec 12, 2005
This is a clear example of loss of instincts that results from the domesticating influence of civilisation. Agreed?

David Levy, a British artificial intelligence researcher and international chess master, defended yesterday his Ph.D. thesis at the University of Maastricht in the Netherlands. The name of his thesis is “Intimate Relationships with Artificial Partners” and the University announced it under the name “Love and Sex with Robots.” Levy says that trends in robotics and artificial intelligence will, ‘within a few decades, result in robots that are so humanlike in their appearance and functionality, in their personality, and in their expression of emotions, that many people will be falling in love with them, having sex with them, and even marrying them.’ Will it really happen? Are you ready for this?

"My fake baby"

And there are fake women that some men already treat as wives, similar to the fake babies.
Loss of instincts? I'd have said it was a clear example (in the case that it were actually to occur) of an inability to rationally overcome our emotional response brought about *by* the instincts.
Loss of instincts? I'd have said it was a clear example (in the case that it were actually to occur) of an inability to rationally overcome our emotional response brought about *by* the instincts.

How can it be instinctive to choose a plastic baby over one's own? People don't even consider an adopted baby to be anywhere near as special as their own flesh and blood - at least until they have successfully bonded. The attraction to the opposite sex has much to do with pheromones as well, which is something people are becoming less responsive to - covering up with perfumes, and removing hair. The plastic mate is nothing more than a glorified sex toy (obviously) and doesn't arouse the same emotional sensations as what drives natural healthy people towards each other. People who settle for that must be lacking in an important physiological response.

[I didn't edit Blowtus' post above - I selected "edit" instead of "quote" by accident - being dizzy]
Loss of instincts? I'd have said it was a clear example (in the case that it were actually to occur) of an inability to rationally overcome our emotional response brought about *by* the instincts.

I think it's more an irrational desire to seek that emotional response. Like an addict going back for more dope. Except with babies.
if you were unable to see the vid link that i posted

it was a non-erotic, well-done, documentary about males who don't have sex with living sex partners because they are having sex with "real dolls"
i thought this was relevant to the thread because it's showing an example of how the instinct to reproduce can mutate
I think a lot of the women who are buying these things actually have very powerful instincts, but they're just going about satisfying them in a very unnatural and irrational way. It kind of irks me, really. Children play mommy with dolls. Grown women shouldn't need to warp their views on reality like that to fawn over a lump of silicone that happens to be shaped like a baby.

Going back to the sex doll analogy, using dolls for sex makes more sense. The underlying reason for sexual impulses is reproduction, but consciously, all people are going for most of the time is physical gratification. The reality of there being an actual other person isn't as important to satisfy that. With the whole motherhood thing, isn't the instinct being gratified the instinct to care for a living thing? To satisfy that with a doll, you'd have to bend your perceptions quite a bit more and for much longer durations than just fantasizing for a few minutes. What's more, I don't think people generally bond all that closely with whatever they're using to get off. Feeling a close mother/child relationship with an inanimate object is just kind of creepy to me.
I think a lot of the women who are buying these things actually have very powerful instincts, but they're just going about satisfying them in a very unnatural and irrational way. It kind of irks me, really. Children play mommy with dolls. Grown women shouldn't need to warp their views on reality like that to fawn over a lump of silicone that happens to be shaped like a baby.

Going back to the sex doll analogy, using dolls for sex makes more sense. The underlying reason for sexual impulses is reproduction, but consciously, all people are going for most of the time is physical gratification. The reality of there being an actual other person isn't as important to satisfy that. With the whole motherhood thing, isn't the instinct being gratified the instinct to care for a living thing? To satisfy that with a doll, you'd have to bend your perceptions quite a bit more and for much longer durations than just fantasizing for a few minutes. What's more, I don't think people generally bond all that closely with whatever they're using to get off. Feeling a close mother/child relationship with an inanimate object is just kind of creepy to me.

my understanding of the "fake baby" was for women unable to give birth to children, just that sentence alone will cause psychosis in the woman that has been told she cannot bear children, sometimes the inability to bear children is understood sub-consciously, creating the type of psychosis seen here, and more, there are females who steal other women's babies, post-hystorectomy bodies apearing to become pregnant through psychosomatics, and females who acquire dogs or cats INSTEAD OF having children, the existence of these dolls is to be expected once you understand female vs male psychology

the sex doll thing is applicable to horny females as well, females using "dildos" is mentioned in the Kama Sutra"
females bonding more with the ofspring than males has to do with hormonal spikes that occur durring a normal "labor" proccess, this allows the birth mother to feel attatchment ("love") for those specific babies born with visible defects that would make the child rejected by the rest of the species, this also happens with lots of other animals (mostly the mamilians, i think) the hormone spike that occurs durring "healthy" labor is identical to the hormone spike durring orgasm, this causes "battered wife syndrome" also females can "bond" with their dildos, i've seen it
Well I don't know about the fake babies... but on the bright side, I suppose it would cut down some of the overflowing population. But then again the Robots might speed up global warming somehow... and then there won't be a population to decrase D: