Marshall 8100 sounds fantastic


Aug 2, 2007
My wife is away for a few days so I have had time to really work on guitar sounds. Today I dug out the old Marshall valvestate 8100 head to give it a go.
It's the first gen valvestate, same as Chuck used for the Death albums.
Took a while messing with the eq and contour controls but ended up with a great clear but heavy sound.
The great thing is you can pick them up really cheap these days.

Used Jaymz' brilliant nevermore DIs because they sound great and are really well played. This is straight out of the re-amp box into the head. No boost!
Recto cab>57/421 mix> API A2D 8100 NM.mp3
Total Death amp, I really dig the tone on TSOP (wish it had some of the 400 to 700-hz ish mids fixed though, sounds kinda weird but apart from that it's ace).
Hmm mate of mine that I've bought amps off of before has one and offered to sell it to me for dirt cheap, with the 2 cabs too. If I didn't have so many other things to get I'd nearly get them and sell the cabs on again to make some of the money back
I will run olas feared song he posted. Won't be the same as him micing it himself but it will give an idea. Should be able to do it today.
Here is Feared with 8100 Marshall 8100.mp3
