marshallmarshallmesaribbonmic (some hardrock tones)

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
inspired by the "Wagner Thread" I thought I'd enjoy some ribbbon mic sounds instead of watching TV and editing drums, so I through my m160 in front of first the Marshall and then the mesa cab. dead center, slightly off axis.

Chain was:
Fender Strat with 18v EMG85 -->Marshall 2203 (kk)-->Cab-->Mic-->API Preamp-->Apogee AD-16x-->Pro Tools

In the zip-folder there's two sub folders, one with totally unprocessed files and one with a 2dB lowshelf and HP/LP (see screenshot for settings)...Ribbons have a strong proximity effect, so I slapped this light shelf on there to make up for some of it.

in each subfolder there are 3 clips...pure (no boost), boosted with TS (drive off, level 12:00) and bossted with the internall KK boost (lowest setting).

Don't expect modern metal tones!!

Ampsettings were around 12:00 on all EQ dials (sometimes here abit more and there a bit less, but never much), 7 on master and 3 on pregain
god i love ribbon mics
can we have LSD studio ribbon mic impulses please? :D


1. Marshall Marshall
2. Marshall Marshall TS
3. Marshall Marshall KK

1. Marshall Mesa KK
2. Marshall Mesa
3. Marshall Mesa TS

good stuff man :D
ive never made impulses before so i dont know how
ill ask ryan for a quick step by step..
those are some serious fucking retards over there

also I thought of this when I saw the thread title

Marhsall Marshall TS wins.

yep, I like that one the best, too.
Sounds like the settings were a bit different than on the other ones,...can't really remember though.
luckily I'll mix a band soon that could use these kinda tones...I always like using different amps, tones, mics...and marshall marshall miced with ribbon will be used on that one ;)