
I only spam because I was told to do so. Honestly its not the most fun thing for me to gander at all these band forums and just say "HEY LISTEN TO US OMG!"

but, its the only real way I can get us the exposure we need at this point.
if I have anythign to say about it...It will be "officially" released ASAP. I have a very limited number of copies of the EP at my disposal. that I could probably spare to you guys. ...just remember to PM me and I"ll give you my paypal address...and you can provide me with all your information and everything.

I'm really glad people actually like it....we were a little surprised at first that people actuallyt hought it was good. works for us!
yeah I spammed their forum if that's what you mean. Yes...atheist is pretty cool.

forgive me..I do'nt get the moxie thing?
the EP was released on sept. 4th(according to Metal Arcives and that the info was added by the band so it's reliable)...orders are 10US$(including shipping)through least that's what was written on Martriden's forum.