Martyr Rehearsal Video

Matt Smith

Jun 11, 2004
Athens, GA
Since we’re going to be off quietly working on the new album for most of the rest of the year, we decided to put up some mics and a couple of cameras at rehearsal last weekend and get a decent video of “Martyr” to put online for you to check out. It’s just straight off the floor, no frills, fixes or overdubs (obviously)...just us playing in a cramped little rehearsal room, but hopefully you’ll enjoy it just the same. It’s also a good chance to hear some of the cool leads Val has added to the older songs since joining the band. Check it out, and we hope you enjoy!

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Awesome!! This has definitely satisfied me until the new album comes out :D

But come on Matt do we really need 2 threads about this? :p
Awesome guitar work...I'm stoked about what we might expect to hear on the new album, guitar-wise!!!

BTW, it looks like Val got a fact, more than one hair, I think.

I just had to watch this 2 times! EPICNESS! I think you guys slowly built up and got better as you went on! Shawn... nice job man You are a GOOD drummer! Val nice shredding and Jon! Matt wicked vocals... especially towards the end! Jared I liked the backing vocals in like the middle i think it was... Sounded like thrash to me!
Jon should get more recognition IMO.

Besides that, i've watched but 2 minutes, in a hurry now, I'll watch it later, rock on Theo and Forum.
Well anyone in a melodic prog/power metal band has to AT LEAST have one geek. Hey Dragonforce has many!
WAW. I just saw the other videos Matt posted on youtube.
The serpent's kiss is a thousand time better live (maybe 'cause there is a real drummer :p).
The show must have been great seeing the crowd's reaction :D

BTW I wonder how great the songs of the first album would be if they were recorded again with the sound quality which is in MoS. The songwriting was great on this recod too.
More good live vids:

Mountain- Progpower

Icthus- Studio

The Serpent's Kiss- Progpower
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