Mary Bielich and Matt Tuite...

Apr 24, 2002
Chicago, Illinois
OCTOBER 31st, 2003

Former bassist Mary Bielich of Novembers Doom has had a special Halloween today. She and her long time boyfriend, and current bandmate Matt Tuite of PENANCE tied the knot, and were married in Pittsburgh, PA. We all wish Mary and Matt the best of luck, and they know we love them both like family. Congratulations!
if I get married, do I get congratulated on a message board too???!?!?!?

BigFakeSmile's opinion, since she is a groupie, does not count and Larry's taste in fashion invalidates his.
Steve... the universe where you mattered at all was terminated due to intense sucking.
Yes Larry. We know you're closer to the microphone so more people can hear you. However, theplatform of Sigma Tau Delta allows me to deliver my message with an eloquence that has no need for such artificial enhancements.
Steve... I would explain it to you but I'm afraid injecting logic into your system may kill you.
Yeah, they married on Halloween, they didn't have a big wedding or anything, just a quick Justice of the Peace thing. Mary seemed really happy and excited about it at the Penance show on Saturday, so I'm very happy for her. Penance were really good by the way, probably the best I've seen them perform. They had some technical difficulties on stage but it wasn't too audibly noticeable from the crowd.

You ought to drop her a line, Eric, I know she'd be excited to hear from you!