Maryland Deathfest VI: May 23rd - 25th, 2008 @ Sonar in Baltimore, MD

Dec 1, 2005
Sublime Cadaveric Decomposition dropped off because they tried to get into Canada illegaly and were sent back to France, so they're just going to start Sunday's show later.

Friday, May 23rd
Doors at 4:45 PM

Skarp - 5:15 - 5:45
Afgrund - 6:00 - 6:30
Torsofuck - 6:45 - 7:20
Ingrowing - 7:40 - 8:15
The Day Everything Became Nothing - 8:30 - 9:05
Phobia - 9:20 - 9:55
Squash Bowels - 10:10 - 10:50
Martyr - 11:05 - 11:45
Grave - 12:00 - 1:00

Saturday, May 24th
Doors at 12:00 PM

Decrypt - 12:25 - 12:50
Defeatist - 1:05 - 1:35
Keitzer - 1:50 - 2:20
Kalibas - 2:35 - 3:05
Waco Jesus - 3:20 - 3:55
Behold...The Arctopus - 4:10 - 4:45
Defeated Sanity - 5:00 - 5:35
Flesh Parade - 5:50 - 6:25
Disfear - 6:40 - 7:20
Coffins - 7:35 - 8:15
Fuck...I'm Dead - 8:30 - 9:10
Ghoul - 9:25 - 10:05
Repulsion - 10:20 - 11:00
Monstrosity - 11:15 - 11:55
Anaal Nathrakh - 12:10 - 1:10

Sunday, May 25th
Doors at 12:30 PM

Copremesis - 1:05 - 1:35
Infected Malignity - 1:50 - 2:20
Japanische Kampfhörspiele - 2:35 - 3:05
Engorged - 3:20 - 3:55
Gruesome Stuff Relish - 4:10 - 4:45
Hellnation - 5:00 - 5:35
Circle of Dead Children - 5:50 - 6:25
Gadget - 6:40 - 7:20
Dead - 7:35 - 8:15
Impaled - 8:30 - 9:10
Dying Fetus - 9:25 - 10:05
Macabre - 10:20 - 11:00
Blood Duster - 11:15 - 11:55
Nuclear Assault - 12:10 - 1:10

Sublime Cadaveric Decomposition dropped off because they tried to get into Canada illegaly and were sent back to France, so they're just going to start Sunday's show later.
last minute advertisment: we're getting a hotel for MDF. if youre interested, PM me. price is set at $98 right now and will go down the more people we have
That's why you delete all online evidence that you're playing the gig BEFORE you enter the country so that they don't catch you lying about playing gigs there. Canadia seems to have been cracking down on bands lately for pulling that. Those visas are mad expensive though.
Yeah, customs is being gay (though I understand why, taxes and tariffs and bullshit about merch) recently, esp. Canadian to American customs officials. For an upcoming show I booked, the mod of the noise forum had to remove evidence of them coming, temporarily removing my post, the entire purpose of which was to HYPE THE DAMN SHOW. :(
I could honestly give a shit about it. I'm not even going. It's just fun to click on MDF threads and read about them. I wish I was going.