mass OF judas priest, all remasters on winmx

Priest, in 82 live intexas, is like wow..
its incedible...

better than live inteh EAST , which is one of my favourites, but so studio...


What is WinMX?
WinMX is a FREE file-sharing program like no other. It allows you to simultaneously connect through the decentralized WinMX Peer Networking Protocol AND to many networks based on the OpenNap and Napster protocols. This means MORE USERS and MORE SEARCH RESULTS than other sharing programs. WinMX also supports ANY FILE TYPE, allowing you access to a diverse assortment of shared VIDEO and PICTURE files as well as the usual MP3 AUDIO files.

High performance peer-to-peer protocol
Connect to multiple OpenNap networks simultaneously
Tracks and RESUMES broken transfers
Ability to throttle upload and download bandwidth
Upload and download bandwidth graphs
Per-user and over-all upload AND download queuing
Full chat capabilities including op commands
Multiple docking window interface great for hi-res and multi-monitor systems
Close program or shutdown computer (Win9x only) when transfers finish
Compatible with most LAN configurations
WinMX respects your privacy and doesn't contain spyware

Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000
Internet Explorer 4.0 or above if running Win95/NT
Pentium 166 w/ 64MB ram or better recommended
if life were fair i'd come down there and have you teach me aboot computers and all------your knowledge of them amazes me---if only you could show me how to tap into the close-circuit cameras.....or the ones the cops "hide" in peoples houses to spy on them..... like they do here in wisc....
When I look for one of them, how do I know it is the remastered one and not the original? Also, when I type in Judas Priest Painkiller I see like 3 things. I mean shit, there are more tracks on the record than that, and I am fairly sure that more people would have them too. Whats up with that? Is there something I need to do to get lots of results?
ok, first goto *settings* then pull it down - share setting and make it goto, where u make made, a folder on your c:drive...most important..

* question remasters:ahh it will tell that in brackets the people that have ripped the cd...they also call it expanded edition
* next type in judas priest, and out should pop about 1,000 mp3 at one time...go for green, go for 128 bitrate, go for DSL...mostly the cable fuckers will leave you with half a fucken cd....I go for whole cd's now...entire ones, but that takes 4-5hrs....
* with no listings, maybe wrong hour, try 2am usa time, the freaks come on then, then you find the freaky shit.


any more problems, give me a yell.