Master check up... i lost it haha

After listening again I'd definitely go with the first one as I said yesterday evening, it's less scooped and clearer. I'm still quite new to recording, and I'm not as knowledgeable as most of the guys here, so think twice about my opinions :p The drums are a bit buried in the heavier parts, I'd take the guitars down a bit to give some more room for the drums and vocals. Generally it would be really cool with some more headroom. But it sounds really good, a lot better than what I'm able to produce.
second one sounds like ozone. amiright?? haha. i also hear some pumping on the second one. i'd say stick with the first. it's easy to lean towards the second cause it's more hyped in the top/bottom, and that's what sounds more pleasing to a clients ears when A/Bed, but really it's the stereo's job to hype the highs and lows. so if the track is already hyped, or scooped, then when it reaches the stereo it just sounds like a nightclub and is really fatiguing. ozone is really notorious for this if you're using anything more than just the maximizer. i'm also 100% guilty, and have learned the hard way time and time again.... haha. :erk:
Thanks bro's!

Its actually ozone for his limiter and M/S eqing on both! did most of the clipping with my AD though..
1 was my actual " attempt " at a master and 2 was how it came straight of the mix.

I got alot of people saying 1, so i went with a liitttle less middy version of that, and listening back with fresh ears, it was probably the wisest decision :)

Any comments on the mix btw?
I actually liked the guitars a bit loud, give the mix a cool vibe which it kinda lost if i brought them down.

Thanks alot anyway! Gotta love this forum for this kind of help.