Master my song please!!


New Metal Member
Aug 17, 2008
hey so i've been on the forum for a long time but this is my first post, this is a song i've been working on for about a month now, i like the mix and everything but i have no idea how to master in peak pro which i just got so i'd like to see what you guys can do with it, or maybe just some tips on how to master in peak pro...thanks!

message me for the mp4 or tell me somewhere i can upload it and just have a link for you guys to download it from
Damn, great song writing, playing, singing, ... Tool, APC, ... come to mind. Not a hoax ?? :)

- For someone to do proper mastering for you, write the mix to a 24-bit file (fixed-point stereo WAVE or AIFF), but if possible use the internal bit rate your DAW works with, e.g. 32-bit, or the mastering house will tell you if you plan to send it off.

- Your rendered mix, seems like it's got comps/limiters on the master bus that are struggling already here and there, most noticeable at 3.25s where the solo kicks in.. That won't go away. (now guessing it isn't intentional :p)

Just gave it a test run (you'll get someone to do this properly, and sorry I don't use BIAS Peak) :
wow man that sounds great, alot more body to it...what program did you use and what did you do exactly? what do you suggest i do about the compressor on the master track just tone it down a bit?

Also, i dont know if you know that the spot right where the solo kicks in there is supposed to be a bass boost right when the solo kicks in but its getting lost in the mix any suggestions on how to bring it out more? thanks for responding...
Sounds like a high pass filter was used maybe around 55 to 65Hz. Alot of low end on the original. Also an eq reduction of say -2.5 to -3.0 db in the 4 to 5k range. My sounds pretty close to yours Hoeglund. I tweaked mine then listened to yours and said damn. Pretty close. I did filter out all above 20k. Thats about the only difference I can hear. No since in me uploading my version. If you want someone to "master" your track, do get rid of the master bus compressor and or limiter and give us a wave file to work with. The intro guitar could be lowered say 2db. Id love to have the individual tracks to play with. Id really like to hear a better bass track.
no this is just one of my songs...glad you like it...anyway for you guys who allready tried to master it here is the 24 bit aiff file,i took off the compressor and turned everything way down so the master wasnt maxing out anymore...hope it helps!
Sorry. Question. Do you want it loud as hell with no dynamics (like most new stuff)? Or do you want it not as loud and with dynamics? I would say keep it not as loud. The whole "loudness wars" thing is ruining music. Its your call
i dont mean to be a pest but would it be possible to do both? you could take as much time as you need...but if not i'd rather it just be loud as hell with no dynamics...sorry just a matter of taste i guess...but thanks alot for taking this little project on!
wow man that sounds great, alot more body to it...what program did you use and what did you do exactly? what do you suggest i do about the compressor on the master track just tone it down a bit?

If you used the compressor on the master track as mixing tool, i.e. kept it there during mixing and consider it part of how you want your mix to sound, then yes, keep it on but still try a little lighter settings. The audio really shouldn't "duck" or "stutter" audibly at any time. Check this at the most intense parts - e.g. currently in your mix, drums, clean guits, and vox are good together, but when the distorted guitars come in it overloads (and very much so at the solo outburst). Could also first try higher HPF on guit and bass tracks. If it's difficult to hear, make a test by temporarily adding a finalizer/maximizer thingy at light/moderate settings to increase overall loudness INCLUDING possible unwanted artifacts produced by the master bus compressor (that are however not caused by the temporary test thingy itself, if I make sense), or listen carefully to your mix at low volume.

If you just threw on the master comp as a last step and went sort of "well, now it sounds sweeter", then render one mix with it and one without. Send off both files and explain why.

I used EQ (high pass 40Hz@Q0.8, boost on [500-1200]Hz and above 7kHz, but also attenuated some 880Hz), multiband compression (boosted lows but compressed first, limiter comp settings above 10kHz, and "loudness maximization"). Also tampered with the stereo image, pulled the s-differences of the lows and low mids more in. Exact settings would make a long list but it's all plugins, EQ (HPF 40Hz) -> PSP Saturator -> PSP Vintage Warmer -> EQ (HPF 40Hz, LPF 18kHz) -> Ozone -> Ozone (yes, another instance).

Also, i dont know if you know that the spot right where the solo kicks in there is supposed to be a bass boost right when the solo kicks in but its getting lost in the mix any suggestions on how to bring it out more? thanks for responding...

I do understand there's something going on there, like a sub-drop, although I'm not sure I understand what you really mean by a "bass boost". In any case it's competing with the guitars, bass, and kick drum so try an automated EQ envelope to selectively pull out lows from those competitors just for that couple of seconds until you can clearly hear your desired effect.
i dont mean to be a pest but would it be possible to do both? you could take as much time as you need...but if not i'd rather it just be loud as hell with no dynamics...sorry just a matter of taste i guess...but thanks alot for taking this little project on!

Will post both. You can always turn up the volume knob. A good example of no dynamics and too much brick wall limiting is Metallica's new cd.
I have a 3 to choose from. Number 1 is loud and so the dynamics are not that great. It has an average of -8.9 rms. Number 2 is still loud and has more dynamics. It has an rms value of -10.9. The third I used the Bob Katz K14 meter system. Engineers hope that the music industry will adopt this system. The movie industry does adhere to a standard. While not as loud at a given volume knob setting (all you have to do is turn it up), it has dynamics to it. Let’s say you had a db meter and you listened to all 3 songs at a reading of 90db on the meter, by adjusting your volume knob to achieve that level. You would most likely pick the 3rd song. And you will find it will not hurt your ears after listening to it for a while. But the sad truth is, at a given volume knob setting, people will choose the loudest as their favorite. Back to the mixes. I had a hell of a time with the bass guitar. Too much low end and it’s hard to fix that when you’re dealing with a final mix. I got it to sit pretty good in the mix with some tweaking. The explosive bass alone around 3:00 minutes was a challenge. Its level was near clipping so I had to tame it some. I think its fine now. More mid/high end next time on the bass guitar. The drums now have more punch to them. I really like them. My favorite is the 3rd one. But since you wanted loud, number 2 is the one to use. 1 is just too squashed, I think. Here are the links: 1.aiff 2.aiff 3.aiff
thank you so much man they all sound great...not sure which one im going to keep yet i need to do repeated listens to figure it out
I was gonna check out your myspace page. Link doesnt work. The vocalist sounds really familiar to me. I mixed a song at the beginning of the year and the vocalist reminds me of that bands lead singer. I'll dig up the mix and have another listen. Anyway listen to all the songs at different volume levels. I tried all the mixes on alot of players and it sounds good on all. Not to say you may need to tweak your players eq to your preference. Thats why its nice to know what music a band your recording likes and wants to sound like (eq wise).