Master of Illusion - April 25th!!!!!


:D :headbang: :kickass: WARGHHHHOOOOOOOO!!! :headbang: :kickass: :D

I don't think my keyboard can handle how stoked I am! This is supreme news...point me towards a pre-order link!!!!!! Oh and cover art would be awesome...and a complete ordered track listing...and a demo track....ok ok I'm getting to excited now ^_^
Oh and, if anyone fancies spreading the PQ word and making that group bigger, go onto the group page and invite all of your friends! If everyone here with a Facebook does it, i'm quite sure there will be a lot of new members!
Alessio's singing sure sounds less strained and easier to hear... Certainly sounds like Power Quest though. Sounds amazing - can't wait to hear the album!
I'm with the crowd here, the artwork is bloody sweet! I've put the date on my calender, the waiting game!