Mastering engineer required!


Cubase abuser
can anyone point me in the right direction for a decent experienced in metal/hardcore mastering engineer? who is reasonably priced, I have just finished my first big mix project which is a 5 track ep of my band and would like it professionally mastering :-)
can anyone point me in the right direction for a decent experienced in metal/hardcore mastering engineer? who is reasonably priced, I have just finished my first big mix project which is a 5 track ep of my band and would like it professionally mastering :-)

This is a mate of mine who we have recently started leasing studio space within our own premises. He's new to the game but good, definitely knows his stuff and has good ears. He puts a lot of work into his masters, not just another "EQ it and smash it with compression/limiting/clipping" pretender.

Get in touch and see if he'll pass you some example of his work. The majority of his material has been electronic music as he DJ's and composes dubstep but he also plays in a punk band and has had a fair amount of metal & hardcore stuff passed onto him through us.
where are you


I can do it. You can come to the session as hull is not so far from London.

Things are very busy over here (which is really cool!) so let me know if you'd be interested.

BTW I (finally) relocated, not finished yet, all kinda messy yet but here's a (shitty phone shot) of the new room!


More on this soon.