Mastering of ND albums

As I battle with this daily, I feel I should chime in. First of all, yeah what a cool way to kick off a thread on our forum! Haha you might as well come backstage and eat all our eggrolls during soundcheck to REALLY stick it to us! I agree, the loudness war is out of hand ... the clipping doesn't bother me half as much as the loss of dynamics. I think there is a line to bring it to, but not cross depending on the song. A good aggressive limiter can add a really cool ferociousness to the sound as well as 'loudness' as well, THAT's the reason it's done. If the point of music was to be as accurate and pristine as possible, what's the point of distorting the guitars? It's the clipped (distorted) guitars that are big and dramatic... can you imagine metal without that sound?
BESIDES, a lot of kids these days don't listen on audiophile systems. They listen on laptops, iphone earbuds and crappy car stereos. Limited mixes sound better on those systems. A full dynamic mix sounds dull on a little piece of shit stereo speaker system. Maybe someday there will be CDs that have limited AND dynamic mixes included on the release, so whiny little complainers can choose the one they like the best!

i'm SO sick of this topic :Puke:
I think it would have been nice for this guy to have at least introduced himself to the board / band before shitstorming the mastering of their albums, but hey, that's just me.
Yeah, I can see how it was somewhat tactless. Being a metalhead, I'm somewhat below average at interpersonal relationships :erk:

Quick belated introduction for those interested: I'm a 21 yr old student. I stated listening to metal 4 years ago and that's pretty much the only thing I listen to these days. I like every genre of metal except metalcore/deathcore. My favorite ND album is The Novella Reservoir. TPHD and TWTF are nice. I haven't really checked out the older albums.

Yeah, though still, what is all this mumbo jumbo about "loudness wars" and how this ultimately equtes to more album sales?

For the best info you can read the first link of my first post. I'll summarize here:

Because of psychoacoustics, the human ear perceives loud sounds as better. So if you don't touch the volume knob, the loud album will be perceived as better. Also, since it's louder, it will stand out compared to quieter albums. So many bands and/or labels wants to have the loudest CD so that it stands out, therefore catching the attention of listeners (buyers). The cycle continues, and every year since the introduction of the CD format, the loudness of new releases increase. Since there come a point in the CD format where you cannot increase the volume anymore, it's gonna be interesting to see what happens after that.

Psychoacoustics also explains why you need to compare loud and quiet CDs by playing them back at their average volume (the volume perceived by the ear) and not by the volume knob on the CD player.

Alright, something is very wrong with this, at least on a fundamental level. When fans actually complain about mastering??? COME ON...
We all bought oldschool albums, some (on reflection) have the sound quality of ASS or very near it - yet we still love them (someone give me some comparisons - I be's at work). So what's the deal??? You get a band like ND who cares enough to seek out the industries top ears to tweak material's recording to high quality audio and you cant find anything to bitch about as far as the music goes so you attack the mastering?? I understand everything said comes from an opinion, but an opinion that comes down to lack of understanding that the band likes how the stuff comes out. Sorry, guys - that post was just inflammatory and I found it quite obnoxious......

Yes, I only bitch about the mastering. Isn't it wonderful that the songwriting, the recording and the mixing are all perfect?! (even then, I'm only objecting to *one* aspect of the mastering - dynamic range. The rest is good). Also, I bought the album, doesn't that entitle me to some feedback?

My post was not inflammatory. I didn't start a flame war, nor was it my goal posting here. In retrospective, I can see it was kinda condescending to the mastering engineers thought. I think I would have upset less people if I made my post more like an inquiry and less like a recommendation.

The fact that I come "bitch" here is a sign I care about the music (though I realize it's pretty much the worst way to show my appreciation). If I didn't love ND's music do you think I would be here?

As I battle with this daily, I feel I should chime in. First of all, yeah what a cool way to kick off a thread on our forum! Haha you might as well come backstage and eat all our eggrolls during soundcheck to REALLY stick it to us! I agree, the loudness war is out of hand ... the clipping doesn't bother me half as much as the loss of dynamics. I think there is a line to bring it to, but not cross depending on the song. A good aggressive limiter can add a really cool ferociousness to the sound as well as 'loudness' as well, THAT's the reason it's done. If the point of music was to be as accurate and pristine as possible, what's the point of distorting the guitars? It's the clipped (distorted) guitars that are big and dramatic... can you imagine metal without that sound?
BESIDES, a lot of kids these days don't listen on audiophile systems. They listen on laptops, iphone earbuds and crappy car stereos. Limited mixes sound better on those systems. A full dynamic mix sounds dull on a little piece of shit stereo speaker system. Maybe someday there will be CDs that have limited AND dynamic mixes included on the release, so whiny little complainers can choose the one they like the best!

i'm SO sick of this topic :Puke:
Why are you here if you're sick of it? May I make you even sicker by asking you what job or hobby causes you to "battle with this daily"? :)

I'm not complaining about limiting the guitars. This is what make metal METAL. I'm against limiting the whole record, drums especially. Although you may think so, I'm not a fanatic. A little limiting is OK, but it's worsening year by year...
Pale Haunt was perfect mastering imo and Novella Reservoir was a crushing sounding album. Did you really join just to start a shit storm about some gay shit like this? I can understand if you were griping about the mix of one of the first ND albums but complaining about any of the last couple albums is ridiculous. And judging by the new song, ND's sound has just gotten even better.

Get the fuck outta here dude. haha.
Why are you here if you're sick of it? May I make you even sicker by asking you what job or hobby causes you to "battle with this daily"? :)

^^ lol. But seriously how am I supposed to know who he is? I don't see any info on his profile.

Pale Haunt was perfect mastering imo and Novella Reservoir was a crushing sounding album. Did you really join just to start a shit storm about some gay shit like this? I can understand if you were griping about the mix of one of the first ND albums but complaining about any of the last couple albums is ridiculous. And judging by the new song, ND's sound has just gotten even better.

Get the fuck outta here dude. haha.

I didn't join to start a shit storm. I joined to contact members of ND, because they don't post a direct email on their website. Seeing what kind of shit storm resulted I should probably have PMed.

And I don't know if you understand what dynamic range is, but that's the only thing I'm criticizing. The mixes are great.
Heated discussions are always welcome Warbitrary, as long as they are not personally degrading, and this is not. You are 100% welcome to your opinion, and open to discuss it here. Just keep in mind, having your very first post here is a somewhat negative light will cause the regulars to take the automatic defense. We're all a good bunch of guys, all passionate about the music, so don't take anyone's comments as personal either. That's exactly what a forum is for, and feel free to continue to post. If you weren't a fan of the band, I can see it being a flame war, but you are in fact a fan, and as you said, entitled to your opinion. So, all is good, keep it coming! haha

WiscoKid is Chris, the bass player for Novembers Doom, and owner operator of Belle City Sound / professional sound engineer / producer. He's been responsible for engineering 4 of our CDs (The Knowing, The Pale Haunt Departure, The Novella Reservoir, Into Night's Requiem Infernal) as well as play bass on 3 of them. His JOB is sound. All day, every day. He records, mixes, masters, and does live sound. He knows this stuff more so then anyone who posts on this forum. That's his credentials.
And as for that psycho-acoustics story, "better" is in the eye of the beholder. I think what psychoacoustics claim is that it grabs more attention, which is something different.

I don't think the ND album is too loud. Some other metal albums, sure. I like the original master of Brave Murder Day better than the remaster, but that's a matter of taste: the remaster is not excessively loud, I just like the old one better. A master that is too loud in the sense that I really can't take listening to the full album (especially with headphones) is Arcturus - The Sham Mirrors. So much pressure on your ears...
I'd rather continue talking about Kari Byron, frankly. :)

To sum up my true feelings on this whole matter, here it is--

I agree that some cds I hear nowadays sound like it's just too loud. I personally don't feel that way when I hear our cds, though. I think if you even put on our cds with alot of other current metal cds out there, they seem much louder than ours. Or at least, the majority of newer metal cds I've heard recently. I thought ours actually walked a pretty nice line in the middle, where it's mastered just right so that it's "current" sounding but not overbearing. But as stated repeatedly throughout this thread, it's a matter of personal taste, really. Just like some people don't like any black metal that's actually recorded well and not all "Dark Throne in a garbage can"-sounding. lol

And yeah Warbitrary, you're most welcome to post your thoughts here as long as you're respectful and intelligent with your criticisms, which I think you have been. Just might be a bit easier to swallow if you'd introduced yourself first and in a less confrontational manner :) Other band's forums might not really care much about that but here everyone is pretty friendly with one another and we try to keep things more down to earth and civil as possible.

Are there any of our cds, besides the ones you are complaining about regarding mastering levels that is, that you feel is a good example of good mastering? We had four cds out prior to The Pale Haunt Departure, and all were mastered in different ways by different folks. I'm curious to know if any of those sound more to your liking...
I wish the the overall level of CD´s would be a lot lower.
I, if anyone, love the idea to have more punch and dynamics on records.
When u think about the whole thing, it is sick.
There´s never been a media with more resolution than a CD (for consumer use) yet the level pushed onto there is even louder than what worked fine on cassette and vinyl with a lot less headroom.
But someone started the war by slamming the L2 (??) too hard on a material that sounded quite OK without dynamics, and then all other genres had to follow. Sad but true.
I even suggest to my mix/mastering clients to have one version called "high res" with the original dynamic content printed on the CD and a "Multimedia" version with a really hot output, also on the CD but as a pre-MP3'd folder that show up when u insert the CD into your computer.
Just drag and drop onto your iPod. And when you listen to the actual CD you can turn the volume knob up a bit!!

The work I did for Novembers Doom was mixed to reach the max. possible output before distortion. No gain was added at the masteringstage.
I think it sounds excellent for being so incredibly hot in output, but I agree that it could have sounded even better if I could have backed off a bit on the masterlimiter, but then the average RMS would have been too low and played after "Death Magnetic" in your playlist, the ND album would sound a bit less majestic than it is. It sucks, but I have to live (and mix) by it.

I will use the "high res" and "multimedia" "trick" on my upcoming albums and hopefully sell more physical CD´s that way.
Audiophiles and MP3 downloads don´t seem to match...and it will be nice to mix with the best possible sound in focus instead of how loud it is!!!

See ya!

First of all, welcome to the forum, Warbitrary! You'll find that everyone here is respectful to each other - until we have a reason not to be.

LOL, this thread is very entertaining, and informative!!! I'm the first to admit that I am about as far from an "audiophile" as you can get. I honestly don't give a shit how the album is mixed, mastered, masturbated, or whatever, I just know what I like in the finished product. Simplistic? Hell yes! Do I care? Hell no!!! The last two ND albums HAVE been louder than many other albums I purchase, but to me, that's how I want it! I use an IPod and sometimes an IPod player (Bose), and that suits me just fine. Now, having said that, I feel pretty certain that if I were to sit in a studio and listen to my favorite albums with the proper dynamic range and all the other fundamentally sound principles applied to the music favored by someone like Warbringer (sorry man, I couldn't resist, just kidding though, haha :)), I'm quite certain I would say "well shit, it sounds a hell of a lot better!"

Anyway, I know I'm rambling a bit. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I feel I am probably pretty representative of the majority of metal fans today in that I am happy (for the most part) with the choices bands make in the production of their albums, and as long as ND and others put the fate of their album's sound in the hands of the likes of Swano, Chris and James Murphy - I'm a fucking happy camper! :rock: Loudness wars be damned!!! :heh:
Dan Swanö;8218205 said:
I even suggest to my mix/mastering clients to have one version called "high res" with the original dynamic content printed on the CD and a "Multimedia" version with a really hot output, also on the CD but as a pre-MP3'd folder that show up when u insert the CD into your computer.

See ya!


hey that's actually really cool! i guess with our master we had this going on as well. your first master was really loud! i guess you optimised for ipod. and the final one plays back great on my hifi :)
Dan Swanö;8218205 said:
I even suggest to my mix/mastering clients to have one version called "high res" with the original dynamic content printed on the CD and a "Multimedia" version with a really hot output, also on the CD but as a pre-MP3'd folder that show up when u insert the CD into your computer.
Just drag and drop onto your iPod. And when you listen to the actual CD you can turn the volume knob up a bit!!
I'd love to see this catch on; it might provide more incentive for people to keep buying actual cds if there were essentially two mixes available.

[OffTopic]Personally, I'd be happy if there was some sort of law passed that regulated sound levels on television commercials VS television programming so that the commercials were no longer allowed to be louder than the actual program you're watching.[/OffTopic]
we have regulation on that here, but the laws are about volume and not loudness, so the commercials are compressed to hell and way louder than the programs :(
I think there seriously needs to be a law passed that says Kari Byron has to wear a bikini in every episode of Mythbusters. They could have commercial breaks that blew my head off volume-wise and I wouldn't care then ;-)